Earlier this week I went for my annual physical. I can’t really call it an annual physical as I hadn’t had one in a few years.
I forgot how much fun they were <insert sarcasm>
Weight. check
Height. check
Pee in a cup. check
Don’t smoke.
Don’t drink.
Don’t exercise.
No health problems to speak of.
All systems are in good working order.
Blood pressure is perfect.
I even remembered the date of my last period. yay me!Then the part I have been avoiding for years.

A little more. More still. Even more – until I’m about to fall off. Yes that’s it.
Ok so a tad awkward yes, but it really wasn’t that bad.
I’ve given birth 3 times. What’s a pap??
I know I shouldn’t wait so long in between appointments. It was nice to go to the doctor healthy, to ensure I stay that way. It made me realize how lucky I am that I have my health as I answered all the question that were asked.
I won’t wait so long in between health check ups for myself. I’ll be doing it for myself and my kids. Making sure mama is healthy.
thank you very much for making me snort coffee out my nose. i never even considered someone could have a “relationship” (however short) with those things. i hope the oven mitts bought you dinner after 🙂
but, it’s true. you make a VERY good point. we are so lucky to be able to “scootch” whenever we need to i think that changes my whole perspective. despite some of health care’s failings we are sooooo lucky.
I’m ANAL about it. Every year. Without question. And I’m not going to buy into this every two year thing – I’m just not. Sorry. So much can happen that you don’t know about. Also, good to keep the rapport with your doctor. My friends mom hadn’t been for a physical since her last kid was born…32 years previous. I lost my mind. People in developing countries would kill for our access to health care. We need to use it. I’m now going to be all over your ass…:). And I guess I have happy thoughts of stirrups since I was in them (with cat oven mitts) when I conceived my boy!!!!
Yes. It was an awkward minute of chatting about full day kindergarten!
Geez I think we were all up in the stirrups on Monday!
I’m yearly because I had an abnormal one last Feb. That was a rough two weeks waiting for the colposcopy…all clear, all good but YEAH, I always get everything checked EVERY year. It usually takes about one minute.
I just went for my appointment on Monday – it had been 3.5 years, but my doctor gave me the same new guidelines of every 2-3 years going forward. Yay. It’s not an appointment I look forward to, but it’s over fairly quickly… easy-peasy when there’s nothing to be worried about.
And yes, I’m diligent about the kids check-ups, but horrible about my own. It’s awful!!
Hahahaha! The duck – that made me laugh out loud!
So…no stirrups? No scooching to the edge? I think I’d prefer that.
my new dr. doesn’t use the stirrups which makes it _marginally_ better. it’s weird how one can give birth and have the midwives (or drs.) halfway up your bits and not care but it’s 2 minutes of “the duck” and we all run for cover 😉
Hehe! I had an image of a speculum that I was going to attach but I thought better of it.
I’ve had a couple of mams already Nanc…I’m a lumpy gal. I get that from my mum.
And I have no idea where my mojo has gone but I have not worked out in about 4 months. I want to but always find an excuse not to go. Usually the excuse is coffee with a friend. Or just quietly by myself…
It’s funny that I’m so diligent about the kids getting their annual checkups around their birthdays and dentist appointments every 6 mos, but not for myself.
Yes – my doc said the same thing – every 3 years.
He also informed me that they no longer do breast exams as part of the physical. I was quite fine with that.
yes – think birthday every year- I am fixated on teeth and health check ups. Also brake pads – very important. There are too many things that could lay silent. Hate the pap (is that a curling iron???With a crank???) but love love love being well.
Also Mams in your 40s (you have time until those) very important. MUST DO
Hey C- what happened to the runner????
My doc said they are moving to two years now, too. I’m pretty religious about going, and try to do every family member right after their birthday so I can’t forget. Meaning I have to book mine any time now, and seeing as I’m about to cross one of those age markers, I’m expecting new and more invasive requirements. Ugh.
So timely, Christine. I was at my GP’s with a sore jaw last month, and said I thought I was due for my annual physical. Turns out I’d been for my last in June 2010. Whoops. The good news is that it sounds like you and I were in stirrups around the same time, and like you, I’m happy to report that I am healthy and won’t have to scoot on down for another year (or more; my GP said that the govt’s introducing new guidelines and a history of healthy paps + and one partner = a pap every 3-5 years!)