Okay, so it’s been a little over two weeks now that I’ve been following the Weight Watchers 360° program, and I’m sure all you want to know is, how much weight have I lost so far?
Well, I’m sorry to disappoint, but I’m going to put you off a little. It’s for a really good reason, though! You see, the thing is: this journey is about more than just a number on the scale; it has to be. I strongly believe that in order to be successful in the long term, I can’t look at this as a means to an end, as simply a way to lose weight. If I do, I’ll only end up back here again in a year or two. I know, because it’s happened that way before.
I’ve gained and lost weight quite a few times over the course of my adult life, but I really truly thought that when I did it last time it was for good. And yet, it wasn’t. Lots of things (unrelated to Weight Watchers) happened to sideline my success and I wound up at the beginning of the journey once more, trying to lose the weight again.
But this time I feel more equipped to deal with any challenges I might face – the new Weight Watchers 360° program offers new tools to help overcome the challenges of human nature and temptation by teaching me how to set up healthy routines and habits. This time around I feel more confident – and one of the tools I’m using to help me succeed is the Hot Spots, which helps me identify my most challenging area or situation, and offers ideas for setting up my environment for success. You consider the different spaces in your life (home, work, shopping, eating out, traveling or special occasions) and find tips to help you plan ahead for success in each space (for instance, when shopping, take your PointsPlus calculator with you so you can know how many points each food choice will cost you). They also have tools to help you deal with panic moments, like what to do if you can’t resist the samples at the grocery store?
One of the hot spot tools I like best is for the bedroom (no, don’t go there!) – you set out your workout clothes front and centre, and make sure your exercise equipment is cleared off so you can’t miss them when you get up in the morning. That way when you wake up in the morning, you’ve got no excuses. After all, if you can’t find your workout clothes because they’re tucked away at the bottom of a dark drawer, you might quit before you start. Likewise, your treadmill isn’t helping you if it’s buried under clothes and shopping bags.
But back to the business at hand – you were asking how I’m doing so far? Well, I lost 4.4 pounds in my first week, and a further two pounds during week two! So far so good, and each week I try out a new tool, keeping the ones that work best. The best part is, it doesn’t even feel like a struggle to lose this weight. With daily tracking I feel in control of what I eat, but I never feel deprived – and I like this feeling of being in control. Here’s a shot of me with one of my favourite healthy treats: a banana yogurt shake (1/2 cup plain, fat-free Greek yogurt; 1/2 cup skim milk; 1 cup ice cubes; 1 banana; 2 packets stevia or other calorie-free sweetener – blend it all up on high speed and enjoy! It makes a wonderful breakfast.)

So, that’s me…and what about you? Do you feel like it’s time for you to make a positive change in your life? Well, there’s no time like the present. We’re thrilled to partner with the folks at Weight Watchers to offer our members the chance to win a membership! One lucky winner will win a three-month Weight Watchers meeting membership to get you off on the right foot in your own weight loss journey! To be entered to win, write a comment below telling me why now is your time to start losing weight!
You know, the time has actually long since passed. I am out of excuses. It’s now or never. I am at middle age, and at only 5 feet tall, I’m packing an excess 40 pounds. How dangerous and foolish is that? I need help as I obviously haven’t been able to accomplish anything on my own. If I win this, it was meant to be. And if I don’t, it’s still meant to be. Thanks for the chance and the eye-opener.
I worked really hard and lost 108 pounds through careful diet and exercise. I did it the right way until I hired a trainer. She asked me to jump on a BOSU ball and squat. I fell off. She kept telling me to get up and try again. I fell off 3 times and shattered my knee meniscus and needed knee replacement.
Two weeks later working with this trainer I pulled 2 shoulder muscles, That led to 7 months of physio. Then I got second degree burns during an MRI for the knee.
Today is one year post surgery and I am still not healed but started again with another trainer (the right one) at the gym.
I need Weight Watchers to help me with a planned approached to sensible eating so I can lose the rest of the weight and be fit for the first time in 50 years.
I had some heart issues after having my daughter and losing some weight would definitely be a good thing for my heart.
After 2nd baby I am back to work. Needles to say how important to look good, specially after long period of care-of-the-baby-not me. 🙂
I just found out yesterday that I am pre-diabetic. I’ve tried WW in the past and managed to lose 20lbs. It was awesome. My husbands arms went all the way around me and actually overlapped. Was the best feeling ever. While he’s never said to me that I need to lose weight because I’m fat, he’s always told me he wants me fit and healthy no matter what my weight so that we can enjoy retirement together. I’m only 41 years old and since they say everything starts to go downhill after 40…well, I’m hoping to fight it all the way. First step to that is to drop a few lbs – stave off the diabetes – get those arms to overlap again from all three of my men (husband and two wonderful boys) and glide into retirment happy, healthy and fit!
WW would go a long way in making that possible.
But most important of all….I want to do it for ME! Now its my turn. :o)
Christmas goodies still lingering – about my gut + surrounding areas
I am turning the big 4-0 in a few months and I want to stay healthy and active for my kids. Ever since having my second child 4 years ago, my weight from the pregnancy did not come off. It’s my own fault but I find it hard to watch my weight and deal with feeding 2 kids and a husband (who never gains an ounce). I miss the old me. And I want her back.
I have wanted to try this for a long time. I have 3 children in high school and have been a single mom for about 6 yrs. now. I got my dream job, only to be hurt at work and injured my lower back and shoulders etc. I gained a lot of weight being off work and need the help to get eating right, moving around more and just to get healthy with the every day foods. I am sure if some weight came off, it would help with my B.P too and just to start to get healthy and feel better again.
Thanks for offering this contest and Happy Valentines Day and G.L everybody.
Losing weight was one of my new yrs resolutions but it seems I fell off the wagon about two days later…I need help!that spare tire went from a bike tire to a full sized car tire….almost! Ha!
I quit smoking last June and now have no more cravings, now I want to concentrate on losing mucho weight so that I can get healthier to keep up with the grandkids
It’s my time now because our little guy is 2 – I have to set a good example, I have to be healthy and strong for him!
It was one of my New Year resolutions and it just doesn’t seem to be working very well so far!
I am worried about health issues. Diabetes and heart disease are prevalent in my family. Its time to take action!
I decided 2013 is my year to shine. My year to put myself and my needs first and be the best me that I can be. WW is just the tool I need to push me and make me accountable. There is no turning back baby…I am all in!
I am less active in the winter and am feeling very sluggish.
I actually lost weight over the summer but I’ve regained some and I’m really really struggling. I got to where I am now buy cutting calories and doing a ton of exercise but it’s so exhausting. I think WW is something that would make a difference. I want a plan I can stick to for life. I’ve yo-yoed SO MUCH for the past 15 years or so and I’m just worn out from it. I want one wardrobe-not a fat one and a “skinny” one. It would relieve so much stress.
I have been considering going back to weight watchers as a friend rejoined but finances are a bit drawback at the moment. Been making some life style changes but could really use the support and accountability of a weekly group!
After reaching my goal weight a few years ago, I’ve crept up ten pounds. I’ve finally accepted that it’s not going to disappear without work. Now I’m ready to do the work. I know Weight Watchers works if I follow the program, so now’s the time to do it!
I turned 40 this year. My grandmother and aunt both discoved they had diabetes in their 40’s, I can’t let that be me. I have done Weight Watchers in the past, and it works.
I want to be able to dance at my grandchildrens weddings. They’re a newborn and a 3 year old. There is no time like the present.
Time to shed the extra weight before my knees get toobad.
I’ve been through so much in the past few years – divorce, deaths, job changes – and with every change more pounds got layered on…now it’s my turn to focus on the good things…and looking and feeling better is one of them. I have friends that have been successful with WW so let’s give that a try!
Not only do I need to lose the last of my pregnancy weight but I also need to start eating more healthily as an example for my four children.
I always find an excuse on why I’m busy today and will “get started tomorrow”. It’s high time I stop making excuses and find a reason to get started, today!
I have known I’ve needed to lose some pounds for quite awhile.
After going to my Doctors and being weighed I couldn’t believe what the scale told me! I find during the winter months I don’t have the energy to exercise, yet I know that if I lost weight I would definitely feel better about myself. Its time to stop making excuses and doing something positive for myself!
Now in my 40s, I’ve realized that there are so many things in life that I’d still like to accomplish, like travelling around the world, looking into the mouth of a volcano, and learning to snowboard. A healthier mind and body would make these things (and life in general) much more enjoyable. I’ve put so much effort into looking after everyone else. Now it’s time for ME.
I so need to take better care of myself and doing something for me would be truly uplifting!
I’m 52 and my weight has gone up since the start of menopause, I’m scared that I might be at risk for type 2 diabetes if I don’t lose weight soon
I need to lose a significant amount of weight for health reasons. I am approaching my 39th birthday and I have an 18 month old son and I’m afraid I’m not going to be around for him. My father died young of heart disease and I don’t want to end up the same way. HELP!
I want to be happy with my appearance and to be honest, for me it is not how much I weigh but how do I feel in my clothes. I want to stop making excuses and just be healthy. Weight Watchers is the only real weight loss program that I would consider because I can eat real food. No gimmicks! It is about making good choices, healthy choices!
My job require me to be physically active, it is sometimes difficult as I should be around 40 lbs lighter than I am. I have tried dieting and have had mixed results, my problem is snacking on junk food, when I come home tired from work. I have been considering joining Weight Watchers, but keep putting it off.
I’m actually a “Lifetime” member of Weight Watchers. However, I am about 80 lbs. over my goal weight. I had lost some weight (about 20 lbs.) last year, but not I’ve put that back on with a bit more. I really need to attend meetings to help me to lose the weight, but I just retired and am not sure how much income I’ll be getting in every month yet and need to make adjustments to my life style accordingly. I would like to attend meetings, but really can’t spend the money right now. Help! Please!!
well i have been bad I lost some weight at Jenny Craigs with moms help but since i have moved and don’t walk as much now because i don’t have to walk to a bus anymore I am putting it back on . I could use this to help me get back in to walking mode meaning being lighter i can breath better and would like to work on taking off 25 lbs to start.
I want to win because I was with WW before and it worked! I would love to do it again!
I am finally asking for help. Over two years ago, I decided to get healthy. I had some issues with my heart and felt it was time to lose my extra weight. I started portion controlling my food and exercising daily. I lost over 30 pounds and felt so good – finally I could wear nicer clothes – no baggy T’s and jogging pants AND I could keep up with my children! Then before Christmas I got sick with a bad strain of the flu that lead to a bronchial infection and a sinus infection. I was out of commission for almost two months. Then we suffered a series of family tragedies. It was so hard just to get out of bed to face the day but I had to for my children. So slowly the weight crept back on – every day I would say, time to start eating better, excercising but it was easier to say to myself that I’ll do it tomorrow – I have too much to do to today. It’s time to stop putting it off but I need a little boost of help. I would love to sign up myself but last June I lost my job due to the store closing so with only one income, things are pretty tight. I know I am overweight but I don’t hate my body. I can look in the mirror with a critical eye – I am not happy with the way I look but I know I can fix it, I just need the tools to help guide me back into the track. Once I start, I know I can do it and get back to keeping up with my kids.
I am 27 years old and suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. I am on a lot of medication because of it. The meds have caused me to gain a lot of weight! I have never had a problem with my weight before so not only do I have this constant pain, but I also have all this extra weight and it is very depressing. I NEED HELP! I am having such a hard time losing it and I need help in doing so!
NOW is my time because I lost a few pounds and felt GREAT, then Quit smoking after 12 years this past summer and gained more back. I have been trying to do what I can as a stay at home mom but its tough sometimes and this sure would give me the boost I need to start feeling great again.
Now is the time because I am the heaviest I’ve ever been and I need to start thinking about my health. That’s very important to me. Some help from Weight Watchers would be amazing!!
At my heaviest, at 24 years old, I weighed about 350lbs. I lost some, gained back a bit, lost some more, etc. In November 2010, at 35 years old and desperate to get healthy before starting a family, my husband and I joined weight watchers. l was 305, he was 320. I lost 112.8 lbs, he lost around 80, then I found I out I was pregnant (I actually lost 6lbs before I realized I was pregnant, so it was about 106.5 when I actually got pregnant). I still had about 30-40lbs to go. That baby is due any day now, and I’ve gained a little over 40lbs. I’m looking forward to getting back to weight watchers to lose the baby weight, and the rest I wanted to lose. I know the program can adapt for breastfeeding, so it will be healthy for us all. And my husband needs to get back to it, as he’s gained while I’ve been pregnant. Winning 3 months free would be fantastic, as the finances are going to be a bit tight for a while.
It is definitely time for me to lose a bit (ok a lot) of weight. I just got married and had lost almost 20 lbs before that but in the last 3 months, it has all gone back on 🙁 I need to feel better about myself and my body and this would be a great way to do so! Thanks for giving us the chance to win another great prize!
I’m too young to be this heavy and feel this way.
the time is now — I want to start feeling good about my body again!!!
The time is now because I need to start feeling good about my body again!!!
3 years ago I was told that I would never have children without medical help… so I took matters into my own hands and started working out constantly and changed my diet to entirely natural and organic foods, imagine my surprise that 3 months after I met my goal weight – I was pregnant! In 5 months I had lost just over 50lbs and gained every bit (and a bit more!) back while pregnant.
I love being a mom, and I need that jump start to get back in shape for my little girl, she’s almost 2 and I want to chase her and go down the slides and run around the park all day with her.. and that’s hard to do right now!
Any help is appreciated, this could definitely be a life changing opportunity for me (or for anyone!)
I’ve been telling myself that maybe next year will be “the year”… the year that I lose the extra 15 lbs of baby weight (yeah, okay, it’s really 30 lbs), the year that I get in shape so that running for the bus doesn’t leave me breathless, the year that I stop complaining about my job and the toxic people I work with, etc., etc., etc.
Well, 2013 rolled around and brought on by a sense of purpose that I didn’t know I had, I started job searching! (shhhh, don’t tell my current employer!) Nothing has come of it yet, but I find all the opportunities out there promising!
So, if I made that huge step, why not make this “the year” that I lose the weight too?
I have never lost a significant amount of weight and I have been overweight since I was a kid. I’m 44 years old now and have a 5 year old that is starting to ask, “Mommy, why are you so chubby”? I am honest and tell her that I eat the wrong things and I am lazy, but then she tells me, it’s okay Mommy, you are beautiful! I want her to know everyone is beautiful no matter their size but also to understand that she needs to be healthy no matter her size. I make sure she is healthy and active and I feel like a fraud not doing the same things myself but I can’t seem to break out of my bad habits and start new ones. HELP!
I need help and motivation so badly, I will start something and will be going great and I quit! If I had the tools and support I really think I could do it. I am having health issues because of my weight and to be honest it’s scaring me, but not enough to do something about it.
I need some help with weight loss. I’m getting married ion May and really don’t want to look back at photos of me feeling like the fat bride. We also want to try to have a baby this fall and I would really like to be at a healthy weight for that.
I would like to join to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight from 6 years ago!!!
Almost 3 years ago my life came to a halt. My husband was cutting the grass and was inches from coming into the house and i heard a loud noise and ran out to see what it was. He suffered a heart attack. There was no bringing him back, as i tried and the paramedics. Since then my food has been my comfort. I’ve gained so much weight and feel miserable. I don’t have the funds to join a gym or even the motivation to do a push up. I need a new start to feel whole again that is why im entering this contest. By the way my husband was only 55 years old.
I would like to join as the weight has been creeping on slowly as I age.
I think now is a great time for me to start a weight loss journey. My sister just joined weight watchers and if I won this package her and I could do it together which would help.
Since October 2011 my husband has lost 215 lbs, through it all i have attempted to work along side of him with healthy eating and attempting to go to the gym on a regular basis, however i suffer from fibro and rheumatoid arthritis and its very had for me to function most days. I desperately need to lose 35 lbs for i know it will help me feel better .. Not just physically but mentally also.
It seems no matter how hard i try i cannot seem to lose anything .. I need to do something different .. And im sure that this may be it ..
Thank you for holding this contest.
I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I am now creeping up on 40 and have decided enough is enough! I want to be able to lead a healthier lifestyle and go do things with my kids instead of worrying about my lack of energy and how hard it is to buy clothes/swimsuits/airline tickets etc. My sister did WW in the past and lost 85lbs so I know the system can work!
I have lost 40lbs last yr on my own and now I am at a stand still……
I have 3 boys and an ailing mom who depend on me as well as my husband I NEED to regain my health so that I can enjoy them for many years to come 😀
I have noticed a spare tire develop over time..I need a kick and inspiration!
I just turned 40 and I am FAT. I hate looking at myself in the mirror and refuse to have my photo taken. My almost seven year old doesn’t understand why Momma doesn’t have the energy to play. I lost my Mom a little over a year ago at a young age and I want to get in shape and lose weight so my son doesn’t have to go through the same bereavement of losing a mom young.
I am a single mom of 4 children, 2 full time and 2 part time. I have struggled with my weight most of my life. After catching my husband with another woman in our bed I fell into a bad depression. I have gained almost 70lbs in the last 2 years. I have some issues with my health that are being aggravated to a serious point by this weight. I need to be around to love my children. I need to start loving myself and have been working on my mental and spiritual healing for a few months now. I need to love me physically and help heal my body to match my mind and spirit. My dad and his wife have had wonderful success with weight watchers. I have looked on in awe as they have become healthier, happier people. I want to follow in their footsteps and make my own family as proud of me as I am of them.
I’m 47 and my family is growing up fast, I want to be healthy to see them have familys of their own. Time to look after myself instead of everyone else.
I’ve tried to lose weight on my own and its so difficult. I think that with support from Weight Watchers it may be easier to stick with a plan and lose. I need to lose about 20 lbs which would make it so much easier to be able to keep up with my kids!
I’m planning on retiring from my full time job next year, yahoo! This will close one door and open another and I’ve been struggling to lose that last 10 pounds for months. I could use some great advise and help from WW.
Losing weight is a life long maintenace battle for me – WW keeps you in tune to what you are eating and when – Losing a few more pounds could start today!!
if I actually looked in the mirror & focused & saw what others obviously see, you would know why it’s the right time for me to do this, right now.
Perfect! I was thinking about joining (again) but came up with a million excuses, I’m good at that, no so much at keeping to my resolutions. Please help, make me go to WW and I’ll be a good girl and loose the 40 to 60 lbs. that have settled in nicely in middle age. Thanks!
I saw this contest for weight watchers and thought to myself “Wonderful, this is how I will do it” as I have been struggling with my incredibly tight budget to find a way to join Weight Watchers. I know it is not overly expensive, just working with a very tight operating budget right now. A few girls at the office have joined Weight Watchers and are having wonderful success, and this has made me think about my own situation. I am 50, just celebrated my 2 year smoke free anniversary and am sick of carrying around the 20 lbs I gained and the 20 I was already carrying around. I want to lose the weight and become more fit as this extra weight is making me feel older than I am, less energetic than I used to and just plain frumpy. I want to be free of this! Now is the time for me to lose this weight!
Hi and thank you for sharing the start of your journey and providing inspiration for me to get back “on track”. I have lost 74 lbs over a year and a half. My journey started to the bariatric centre as I had exhausted all hope of losing the weight. I was put on their 8 month (calorie counting, weighing food, exercising, counseling) program but after I worked my way out of the program (still had option but only had 56 lbs to my goal (now 70). While I’m extremely happy and proud of myself, I have gained back 14 lbs. I know what foods makes me gain, what I can eat, why I’m eating, eating too fast, not eating the correct foods, etc. I soon realized that I need a program that makes me accountable for what I eat.
two words – second baby!
It’s just time!
I’m a senior and why not now…never too late to lose some extra pounds!
Excuses i’m always finding a reason not to.I need inspiration.
Kath – so funny that you just mentioned that tool. This morning I got up to exercise and while fumbling around for my work out clothes I woke up Will who lost his mind while I was biking…so no work out for me. Now, my shoes and clothes are piled in the washroom where I can grab them tomorrow without waking the kid!@
You’re doing great!!! keep er going!
I’m a single mom-special needs son-2 surgeries in past 18 months-I could use some support in losing some extra weight as I try to improve my health and move forward
After losing over 60lbs in 2011 by counting calories, and being more active, I had an emergency surgery this past summer that really set me back. Unable to be active, and slipping on my food intake (the excuse that I deserved a cupcake or three because it was a very tough time snowballed!) Suddenly a good chunk of the weight was back, and no matter how many times I take those same calorie counting steps I did last time I cannot seem to make it work. I know I am ready, I just need the support, and tools that weight watchers provides!
For me, it’s now or never and I know that I need help to do it. I have always had problems with my weight since I was a child and have never had control of it. I would really appreciate the opportunity.
I wouldn’t say now is the time, but it should be an ongoing theme. You have to work at it every day, no cheating!
I’m 42 year’s old and have started to get that spare tire around the mid-section. It looks like I’m still pregnant and my son is 7. 🙂 I also want to stay healthy so that I can stick around for a very long time.
I keep putting it off “until tomorrow” but I’m really ready now!
My daughter’s getting married. Enough said!
A few years ago I lost 38 lbs and was doing great…until I fell down the stairs. Boom all the weight is back plus a little more. When I get up from sitting my feet hurt so bad actually my whole body does. My blood pressure is up as well as my blood sugar…all this was gone when I had lost the weight before. I need a kick in the butt to get me going again….I need some motivation and I think this would definately help.
I am turning 50 in August! My daughter moved out on her own last May! It is time to do something just for me. I never had any weight issues until I started to take medication for depression. I have been able to lose 33 pounds very slowly and maintain that but I still have 30 pounds to go. Weight Watchers would be such a help to me in obtaining my goal. I am trying hard to exercise and eat healthier but it is such a struggle without the added support of Weight Watchers.
WW works and I need help sistah! I’m about to hit 40 and have 40 to lose