Earlier this year I had the opportunity to work on a
communications program to raise awareness for a charity. It was through where I
work (yes I have a day job) and it involved following 28 volunteers as they
trained and eventually climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, all the while raising money
through various fundraising efforts that were eventually donated to an
organization that helps needy children all over Africa.
Once the volunteers(and my employer) reached and exceeded
the fundraising goal, I wrote a press release and quoted one of the climbers
saying “climbing a mountain was nothing compared to what these kids have
to do every day just to stay alive.”
This stuck with me so when Jen, my effervescent leader here
at UrbanMoms, asked if I wanted to accept the challenge of running a 5K to
support the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure and
document my journey here, I agreed.
Now, back to qualifying the mountain metaphor. Running five
kilometres is surely nothing compared to climbing an actual mountain. I am sure
many readers could run five kilometres backwards while sipping a grande non fat
latte and texting their husbands about what they should pick up at the hardware
store on the weekend. But for me, who needed a doctor to tie a band around my
stomach to stop from eating to explosion, this type of journey will take a
certain amount of discipline and will.
And my training and eventual attempt at running the CIBC Run
for the Cure is nothing compared to what women afflicted with breast cancer
have to deal with everyday, so for me, this is the least I can do.
Old dogs, new tricks:
I am surrounded by women that I appreciate and love all the
time. From my life long (fingers crossed honey!) partner Stephanie, to my two
mothers Lorraine and Michele (just kidding, Michele is my sister, she only acts
like my mother some of the time, and who could blame her, sometimes I need as
much motherly help and advice as one man could personally manage) to my lovely
stepmother Miriam, my pistol of a mother in law Heather, to my step and half
siblings (it’s convoluted, you would need a PowerPoint deck and a half day
seminar to understand my family linkages) to some of my oldest and closest
friends Kristy and Jenn, I am a very lucky man.
My ma and my wife and also two of my best friends.
For more info on CBCF Ontario, click here
So. I accept this challenge. I will
captain an UrbanMoms team that will train and fundraise and run (walk? crawl?
slither?) in the 5km on September 30th.I will wear a pink wig, a pink t-shirt, spray paint my shoes pink and
put these legs in motion and do my best hoping I won’t jiggle to much as my
dogs pound the pavement in support of CIBC Run for the Cure.
Which UrbanMom cares to join me?
Click to register for your own team, or find out more about
donating or volunteering.
You can also join the Run for the Cure conversation on Facebook or Twitter.
I admire you guys so much! Wish I lived in the GTA so I could join you. I’ll be with you in spirit, though 🙂
Do it Anne! It will be a jiggle fest…and I’ll be the one slithering…..
Maybe I should join you… I’m ‘running’ in my first 5K on Sunday Aug. 12.
So I’ll have my first “PB” or “Personal Best” from that event… maybe I could improve on it?
I have lots of jiggly bit… so sounds like I’d fit right in!
Everyone should join the UrbanMoms team! I will be “running” with my 2 kids and husband. Looking forward to jiggling pink for a great cause!!