Blinding glare brought to you by the glorious reflection of the setting sun, and also, my pasty thighs. Enjoy!
I can’t believe July is already behind us. This summer has been packed full thus far, but there are still four weeks to savour and enjoy and that is exactly what I plan to do!
Howdy, August. May you trickle by us like molasses: slow, warm and thick. (OK, bad analogy; that sounds really gross. Makes me think of cervical mucous or something.)
Just take your time, August. Until the kids get cranky and wild and I am ready to boot them back to school a week early.
You had me at cervical mucous.
Take that, Jerry Maguire.
I can’t believe we’re at the end of July either… whoa, le. (And your thighs are fine, woman. Shush!!)
There are still FIVE weeks. Hooray!
Math is hard. Hahahaa!
Well, I AM the accountant. 😉