My youngest stopped using diapers over two years ago (which I’m still rather joyous about) and though we managed to use up the last of the diapers, we still had two large bag of wet-wipes left over. We had so many, because during the diapering days, we bought those things by the box-load. You know – the monster-size box you have to strap to the roof of your car to get home? Yeah, that size.
Once we said goodbye to the Huggies for good, I thought about donating the remaining four-thousand-or-so wipes to her preschool, where I was certain there’d be a use for them.
And then I gave my head a shake. Hells to the no – we can totally use them around here, I thought.
I stashed their pop-up plastic container in a drawer in the tv room, where the kids spend the better part of their playtime – this way, they could also grab one themselves, if they needed one. (Once or twice, I caught Madame wiping her whole body down with one of those things, telling me how good they smelled… Here, smell my leg!) We had to set some rules about wasting them after that.
But there always seemed to be something to use them on, like spilled juice, or glue-stick residue, or the sticky mark of a stray lollipop set down on the coffee table, or just for wiping faces. Is that… jam…? Junky stuff on door knob? Wipe it down. Dusty surface? Wipe it down. Toss into trash bin handily located in corner of room. Resume enjoying my day.
Anyway, it’s been over two years, like I said. And recently, I used the very last wipe on the premises. It was actually a bit stunning. I just stood there, holding the barely-moist towelette in my hands, blinking. Is that… all?
I actually contemplated buying some more, but opted not to, of course. Now I just use a damp cloth of some kind to wipe up all the sticky. We have stray rags and old, stained tea towels that I use for whatever, and just toss into the washing machine… I try not to use paper towel for every little thing. But it’s totally more work, yo. I admit, I liked just grabbing a wet cloth, wiping, and tossing.
And I find I tend to let the sticky just stay stuck for longer than I used to – it’s such a chore to go aaaaaall the way into the kitchen to get a rag-cloth from the shed-like place, wet it, and then go aaaaaall the way back to the tv room to wipe up gummy bear gumminess. Or dried drips of vanilla ice cream. Or whatever. Le sigh.
Being green(er) is better, I know. Do what you can, right?
How about you? Do you use a lot of wipes and paper towel, or do you launder your linens?
we still have a stash of old baby washcloths which I use from mopping up gunk and washing wee hands. They look nasty by now, but so easy to toss in the wash… I hide them in a drawer so I don’t have to look at them when they are waiting to be used.
We now only have a pack of wipes because of the occasional morning wet pull-up, still.
But hey – you know what those containers are good for? CRAYONS. And also, little packs of stuff to keep them occupied in the car, like snacks.
Oh Julie, I KNOW!! I have a little sachet of wipes in the car – Lifebrand, I think – but it’s only a pack of 15, since we’re not in the car so often. I was sooooo tempted to buy another big box, but I just can’t do it anymore. Like juiceboxes. Twitching… twitching… le sigh. Not having them will feel normal one day soon. (Right?)
wipes are indispensable for the “around town”. i tried carrying an old wipes travel case with a damp washcloth in it but that just grossed me out. i thought i was weaned until my in-laws came with my nephew and i fell off the wipe wagon and borrowed some.
the now empty case is on my bathroom floor and i’m still twitching to have it filled…just one more time!