A new season is on its way, and with it comes some new clothes – mostly for the kids at this point, who are growing like bad weeds… which means it’s time to cull the closets and drawers. (I did some pain-free online shopping recently…)
I have two kids of different sexes, who are also four years apart in age… styles tend to change in that amount of time, so outside of the odd jacket or other bits of outerwear, I’m not putting away many things to break out years later. Especially from son to daughter. I’ve found there just aren’t very many things to reuse, which is a shame, since so many items are still in such good repair, and stop fitting long before they’re truly “worn”.
Even the infant clothing didn’t stand the test of time – save for some some baby beanies, mittens, or socks – those cute little onesies I lovingly packed away the moment they stopped fitting my chubby son looked downright awful when I pulled them out of storage years later. The necklines would yellow, and all those dribble marks would become more pronounced with age. Yuck.
And since storage space is kind of at a premium in this house, the minute my kids have outgrown an item, I pluck it from the drawer and stash it in a closet, away from their loving eyes, when, “But, that’s my favourite!” would certainly be shrieked upon its discovery. It’s just like trashing the artwork: you can’t leave it on the top of the garbage pail – do the dirty work during the day, and put it on the curb before they get home from school. It’s the only way.
But I digress.
I sort through the stuff to see what’s really still in good shape – I mean the stuff that’s free of stains, free of holes (or at least not the designer kind), and I match up any items, and pin stray buttons to the garment it belongs to. Because no one wants your crappy cast-offs.
I tried consigning some items in the past, as well as Craigslisting some things, but I’ve decided I can’t really be bothered to manage those tiny-dollar sales. None of the items are SO VALUABLE that I need to get my money back… I try to be price-savvy most of the time anyway, so… meh. I got my money’s worth already.
I have a few friends whose kids are sized right behind mine, so I offer those items to the ones who might want them, rather than saving items to give to someone with a newborn, who can’t possibly put the stuff to use for several years. I always seem to have a taker, anyway. Otherwise, I just pack up the stuff for donation.
Some people don’t love the idea of receiving used stuff, which I can totally understand – especially when you aren’t in need of things. And some people will just stuff any old gross item in a bag and go, Here… this is for your kid. I’ve had people give me a bag of tights, with muddy marks at the knees on every pair, and I put them directly into the trash. Remember those onesies with yellow stains down the front? I received some of those and they went in the bin with the tights. I won’t mention the baby toys that are crunchy with dried food splatters, or other general grungy, mouth-mawed parts. No thank you. Some people don’t even wash items before they give them away. *clutches pearls* I mean, really.
I have a close friend who once said she had a whole bunch of girl’s items, and could she drop them off… when I agreed, she showed up at my house and thrust a black garbage bag crammed full of wrinkled old stuff at me, which looked exactly like, well… a big bag of garbage.
She’s lucky I like her so much (and we laugh about it now) but presentation TOTALLY counts in areas such as these. Friends don’t give friends bags of trash.
When I give things to another kid, I want it to feel less like, “I was all set to throw this stuff onto the garbage heap… unless you want all this junk?” and more like a gift, instead. Laid out this way, your stuff looks more attractive, too. I mean, my own kid just stopped wearing it yesterday. So.
This says nothing of personal taste – I will not be offended if I don’t see your kid wearing all my kid’s too-small stuff (that’s totally not the point) but wouldn’t YOU want to receive stuff in this fashion, and not from a garbage bag? Plus kid’s love to read their names on things… it makes them feel special.
Intention, yo. Give your good stuff with love… I think it’s cool to draw the line at ironing all the things in advance, but folding and stacking them into a nice-looking bag won’t kill you to do. C’mon now.
It’s spring! If you’re not going to dance, at least get sorting!!
Do you swap or share with your friends? How do you hand over your goods?
I will say, I used to pass things on in big Rubbermaid tubs, but getting those back takes time, so for major pass-alongs, I do still use the garbage bags. I mean, I give everything decent to my SIL from my son, so it’s full seasons at once, you know?
But yes, I’m with you on not giving away stuff that is stained, pilled, holey, discoloured, pulled out of shape, etc. Blech. I once got baby items stained with blueberry and was a little amazed that someone would pass that along.
(Also my kids are also different sexes and four years apart, so I feel your pain on little getting reused. Some less girly PJs and shirts at best, thankfully Girl 8 is not a girly girl.)
Oh lady – if I had a nickel for every bag of stuff someone insisted on giving me… well, I’d only have about a dollar… and I’ve learned not to fight people on it, but I feel no guilt about putting it right into the donation pile if the stuff doesn’t suit my life. I figure that’s what happens to the stuff I gave away, too… so no harm, no foul.
And I’ll keep your kids’ sizing in mind, lady… 😉
You know Julian is just a tad younger than Oliver… And Abbey a tad younger than Ava Scarlett ;0) I know what you mean about presentation though and turned down many offers over the years because I didn’t want to feel awkward if I turned around and put such well-intentioned donations in the blue bell at the grocery store so I totally get it. But I know you know I know ;0)
Hee!! Because he’s got three-to-four years to go before they fit… but I’d save ANYTHING for him, you know… always! xox
Why isn’t Will’s name on that bag….:)