Say hello to my leetle frieeeeend…
I’m not in costume yet because it’s too early in the day, plus it’s really, really hard to carve pumpkins in drag, but will I be riding around town scooter-ninja-style wearing this get-up today while I pick up the last of the accoutrements? You bet your sweet bippy.
I apologise for the crappy picture, but the lighting around here is extremely low (which makes picture-taking nearly impossible) as we’ve still got netted scaffolding outside all the windows, and it’s all dark and cloudy today, getting set to rain on our Halloween parade today. Boo! Hiss!!
Happy Halloween anyway, you muthers… enjoy the day and night!
those wings on a scooter are da bomb!
I actually had to leave them at home, since it was pouring with rain. And also? Scooter breaks don’t work well in the rain, as it turns out… I found out the hard way. (But nobody died – it’s fiiiiiine.)