Well into the week with eleven 8-10 year olds you realize that these short people are pretty certain you are more or less their age.
Ok that is not true they know you are super old but they start treating you like you are their age
You do everything together-
does this look solitary?
it isn’t
not at all, actually
this isn’t solitary either
personally I was praying like the devil for no rain (cheesy looking yoga pose notwithstanding)
meals are an event, with games and jokes and a constant ‘tell us another story, Nancy’
sticky forks drop to the floor by the dozen and that last bagel which was really yours somehow disappears
seems better than a trip to Canyon Ranch for me with the limited eating and non stop activity
they play the game “what animal do you look like” and you fear their answer because they are so darn honest
one of them brings a book called “about me” and every single quiz they put you through is dead on to who you are even if it is written by and for short people.”If you had a crush on your best friend’s brother (always have) would she tell him or give you his schedule? Both, of course. According to this quiz book, if I was a dog I would be a Jack Russell Terrrier- I am loyal, trustworthy,assertive, intelligent, stubborn and a little fiesty. And sturdy. Shoot, I wanted to be a Golden Retriever.
They watch everything you do intently. Try not to swear like a truck driver when the encaustic wax is hot and it lands on your leg
If the worst moment was when I saw the enormous garbage container under the sink had been used all day – without a bag in it…
then it was a pretty perfect week
after all you always have your bedroom to retreat to at night when you want some time alone
oh. Maybe not.
How was your week on the planet of adults?
I get this request all the time Jules! I should do it one day!
when are you going to have an adult camp? i’ll come 🙂