The other morning my daughter came into my room to find me still in bed
“What is the matter, momma?” she said. I don’t ever stay in bed, especially on a school morning.
I was feeling a bit off. I had had to make a speech the night before at a party for someone really important to me. But I had also written another one for her for another party. We believe in multiple celebrations.
Before going to the lovely, beautiful dinner party, I thought about which one to take. I am two radio frequencies- overly sentimental and push the envelope. Either of these can be polarizing and alienating if you don’t know me/love me or have not had enough to drink
I just grabbed one and ran out the door after a full day of work
It was the one with all the funny stories, the rude stories, the sexy stories, the embarassing stories. The last paragraph was a sentimental one- but you had to get through the nasty good stuff to get there.
Sometimes I wonder if I am a frat boy in a girl’s body.
Sometimes I turn myself inside out to make my favourite people laugh. I love making people laugh. Sometimes I forget anything else matters. Often I even make my life go a certain way so the experience will be funny enough that the story can be retold later to my favourite people.
Suddenly and out of nowhere, I was handed a vodka concoction.
I am one of those metabolical (or diabolical) anomolies – where every drink acts like my first. I can’t drink very much. At all.
So I started to make my speech to, seriously- next to family- my favourite person on earth. I chose the edgy one.
Ummm. 20 women in the room and I am not sure anyone laughed. Some colour drained from their faces. I believe one woman fainted but I cant be sure.
Remember the GONG show? Why wasn’t I GONGED?
Anyway my soulful, sassypants daughter got into bed beside me and said ” I bet she loved it. But call her and apologize anyway”
I did that. I was a little choked up. After all all I really wanted to say to her was ” I love you and the world is somuch better with you in it.”
But I did the wrong speech. I worried if I did the sentimental one I would cry hard through the whole thing and that would be wet and sloppy and not good either
She said “Nance, it was hilarious, I loved it, you are the best”
And we both knew she was maybe not telling the truth but it was all okay after that.
That is the way it is with best friends.
yes Kath- I love that quote and try to live by it! Very good one to remember in divorce, right? xoxox
Ahh, Nancy. I feel your pain. I do stuff like that all the time. I just want to be funny and liked and sometimes it goes awry. But you’re right…best friends are called “best” for a reason. In the words of the immortal Dr. Seuss, “those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind”. You’re awesome.