I have a bevy of excellent neighbourhood peeps. Since the less-than-warm temps of October, and with the suddenly-dark afternoons since turning the clocks back a few weeks ago, the leisurely summertime sit-downs on park benches with my peeps while we watch the kids play, sometimes with a cup of coffee in hand (sometimes with a cup of wine) have come to a rather abrupt halt. Hibernation and whatnot.
One friend wanted to organise a ladies night out, since we’re missing each other terribly, and we all settled on this past Tuesday night at one of our nearby haunts. It was my best opportunity of the week anyhow – Martin was leaving the next day to be with his parents. So I put on some lip gloss and went out to meet my ladies…
I was second to arrive. Then came another lady, and another, and then another. And then one fox came with her husband, and I thought, How nice! They’d just come from parent-teacher interview night, and I remember thinking how that kind of evening can turn into a date night, if you and your spouse head out for a quick drink or bite to eat after the meeting. I’d wanted to do the same, after our kid’s meeting the week before, but Martin and I couldn’t take the time that night. We haven’t spent an evening out together in a long while.
Then came another fox. And then another fox showed up with her husband in tow. And yet another fox said, “Adam will be here soon, too… it’s your birthday!” I looked around at the beaming faces of my good, good people, and started to realise what was happening.
I looked up and watched Martin walk through the door, and my mouth almost fell open.
They all had a birthday plan. A plan for little ol’ me. Holy crap.
I looked across the table at one darling friend, beautiful like the Dawn, with the soulful brown eyes that always make me want to cry, and heard her say, “We have to celebrate the good.”
Yes, yes we do…
It was already on the late side, being 9:30ish (and on a Tuesday night no less,) but the twelve of us drank a bunch of good cheer, and chatted amongst ourselves happily for a little while, until we all had to away for bed. But oh, how these people warm my heart.
My good people that I lean on, heavily sometimes.
My good people who a few weeks ago drove me and the children three and a half hours north, to get us where we needed to be during tough family times.
My good people who I can farm my children out to this weekend while take a bus to be with my husband and family, for what’s seems like a bad-news weekend…
Maybe you reap what you sow, but whoa, le… I am a fortunate soul. For fateful geography, or by sheer luck of the draw, I know some of the coolest people on the planet. And they all live next door to ME.
They hold me up. And they celebrate me. And they love me.
I will be forty-one years old tomorrow.
We celebrate the good.
Happy Happy Birthday Chickie- to know you is to love you xx
So wonderful! Remember these moments and this lovely birthday to help you get through the hard times ahead. And remember to ask these fantastic people who care about you so much to help when you need it. Happy forty-one! xoxo
Thanks for this, all you AMAZING people… it wasn’t the happiest of birthdays I’ve ever spent, but the love and kindnesses were felt and embraced just the same. THANK YOU!! xox
You deserve it you r the best. Most thoughtful ,funny. Witty ,stylish ,crazy smarts,best booty chickie ….we love u and send u r prayers and lots and lots of strength ……xxxxx
It’s so awesome that they had a plan! And you SHOULD be celebrated, you are wonderful. Happy birthday, sweetheart, from one November baby to another. 😉
Happy birthday! You are born in the BEST month you know?! LOL!
So glad that they all helped you celebrate the good!
What a fantastic post.
I got chills. They’re multiplying.
You’re a wonderful person and deserve all the goodness around you. Happy Birthday!
Love. Love. and you deserve it for all that you do. Happy Birthday my lovely, lovely friend.
whoops…and a big, fat happy birthday to you!
gotcha! that is a wonderful evening.
all these wonderful, inspiring, happy posts here today. i’m feeling so lucky just to read all of these and i just keep smiling like an ijit with all the love flying around here.