Come Monday morning, I am beginning the Whole30 journey. I have dabbled in the Paleo diet this past year and have been feeling the need for a deep reset in my eating habits and approach to food. When life gets busy, I run to the quick, easy fixes like sugary lattes and buttered bagels, foregoing any true nutritional value. Then I wonder why I feel tired and cranky and overextended. Ha!
I am a little nervous, knowing that giving up sugar, grains, alcohol and dairy will render me a sad shell of myself for a few days (basically my perfect food day would be: creamy, sugary coffee for breakfast, a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch with a creamy soup, then pizza for dinner with a glass of wine) but I am hoping to change the way I view food and help me get back on track.
It’s going to be hard, but it’s going to be good.
Have you done the Whole30 before? Any words of wisdom or fantastic recipes I should check out?
Catch you on the flip side!
What is your goal with this restrictive diet? Do you think it is healthy enough to stay on for an entire month?
My goal is to reset the way I look at food: to see it as fuel and make wise choices that provide maximum nutritional value and not just as a quick sugar-fix to get me through my afternoon slumps. I know many people who live this lifestyle and are very healthy, so I don’t think it could possibly hurt me. It won’t at all be about calorie restriction, if that’s your concern.
Oh man. I just read up on it. It sounds like a great idea, but the hardest parts for me would be the rice, beans, and potatoes, becasue those are my go-to things when I can’t eat anything else! Are you doing it with someone?
Yep, with my friend Christy. She lives on Pender Island so we won’t be in the same place, but I think the support will be good.
Ah, no doubt. Much easier to do it when you have someone else who is going through the same thing. 🙂