Ok so my world is not dipped in bright colours of liquid sunshine. I am an anxious, occasionally nasty lout who will carve a delicate slice of your heart if you let me.
I am speaking to you plastic containers spread all over my house.
Some of you are so perfect, always there when I need you, your blue lids so perfectly locked into place to keep my soup from drenching my subway novel. To keep the bagel and cream cheese so buoyant and fresh allowing my sons to eat half and jam you back into your oxygen eroding plastic cave.
Some of you are big and hearty and totally fine with being shoved into the freezer only to be brought out and left lonely on the counter to thaw, emptied, washed and placed on the shelf or in the drawer, waiting for the next opportunity to house a picked at casserole or not too well thought out beef stew.
A couple of you are like old friends, standing the test of time, with your cute frozen pack holders, or your snappy four pronged lid sealer mechanisms that provide the sigh induced comfort of security and freshness.
Two or three of you have escaped the confines of the kitchen and the occasional stench of forgotten food. You now sit on window panes and book shelves filled with forgotten Lego pieces or GoGo’s crazy bones.
Others hold screws or spare change from different countries or, after venturing outdoors, worms or even gasp! A spider!
Then there are you, random square collection from multiple plastic container brands. Yes it is obvious you do not get along. You do not mix well. There are no synergies between you and your respective lids. And I don’t know how you do it, but somehow you have managed to banish your lids to opposite ends of my house. Or have disappeared altogether. You are the kitchen version of the laundry room socks. You have upped and walked away. Leaving mismatches to wallow alone, only to be used to carry water from the faucet to the dog dish or as a temporary respite for cut up vegetables to sit on outdoor tables or wait to be dropped into soup.
I am all for reusable containers and limiting of litter, but sometimes I am overwhelmed by the time and energy they take to manage and keep organized.
First world problems yes.
But enlighten me, tell me how you deal with these little plastic demons and their ability to spread so violently, so secretly around your house?
Heh. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. 😉