As a kid, when I asked my parents what we had to drink with dinner, more often than not, they replied with, “Sink-cola.”
Get it? Sink-cola. In other words, water.
At the time, I was more than annoyed by this response, but in retrospect it was the right thing to do. To this day, I still mainly only drink water with my meals. But being the fanciful foodie I am, I just couldn’t let the water be water. I had to kick it up a couple notches. Hence, I’ve created a sink-cola for the 21st century.
This water isn’t just delicious, it’s also gorgeous and healthy in so many way. The cucumber and parsley have cleansing and de-puffing properties. The ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bloat agent. Finally, the mint, basil, and citrus fruits have tons of vitamins and aid in digestion.
1 lemon, sliced
1 orange, sliced
1/2 cup sliced cucumber.
handful each of fresh parsley, basil, and mint
2 dice-sized pieces of fresh ginger, peeled
Roughly chop the herbs and toss them in the largest water jug you own along with most of the rest of the ingredients. Put a couple slices of the orange and lemon aside for serving.
Fill to the brim with water and chill for up to 24 hours.
Strain and pour back into the cleaned-out water jug along with the reserved lemon and orange slices. Serve.
P.S. Please don’t tell my mom that I liked her corny sink-cola joke. I do have a reputation to uphold.
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