I’ve been reading lots of fb posts about sick kids with high fevers. Various viruses are going around.
Last weekend my niece had a stomach flu that left her puking, sh*&&*ing, and not able to sleep. It sucked. Bad.
OK you think. That’s life with kids.
But, not my kids. They are never really sick. They’ve been on antibiotics only once in four years. They’ve had fevers, but they don’t last more than 24 hours. They’ve only ever vomited as a result of coughing, really, I mean that. And that has been rare.
So, what does that mean?
I have what I would call a good “constitution”. I’m rarely sick. I get the odd cold but I can’t remember the last time I had a fever or any stomach ailment. I am healthy. But I abused my body for much of my youth. I smoked. I drank. I ate whatever. I didn’t exercise. I was still healthy.
My sister took much better care of herself. And was less healthy. She got more colds and fevers that I did. She got cancer. Probably not related to her self care, but….it seems unfair.
I was the laid back one, irresponsible really. She was always responsible.
Now with my own kids I have theories. I breast fed, so they got my immunity. I haven’t vaccinated them yet, so their immune systems are strong. Now I eat chemical free food most of the time. I don’t know if that really makes sense but I think that. I’ve done a lot of research. But I still doubt my decision.
Really, it’s all a mystery isn’t it? We all hear the stories of the old codgers who smoked like chimney’s, drank like fish, ate fatty food, and still lived to 1000.
Go figure.
What do you think keeps you and your family healthy?
I have the germinator in my house. He’s constantly sick. He was breastfed for 18 months. He eats healthier as a 2 year old than I ever was. He barfs when he coughs (just like his cousin and his mother). He can hold on to a cold for months. I have zero theories – I just keep hoping it means by the time we’re in public school, he’ll have been through it all!
I must say that Cuyler is my healthiest kid. The other 2 get colds and fevers and pukes. Not often. A couple of times a year – but Cuyler hardly ever gets sick (when he does – he goes all out and gets things like H1N1 that land him in the hospital…)
He’s my worst eater. My troubled sleeper (thank you melatonin)…the one who you’d think would get sick the most…but no.
The others eat very well – lots of fruits and veggies. A good and varied diet.
They’re vax’d – Cuyler has just a few. Boys were breastfed for a year. Eva almost 16mos.
So I can’t say for sure what keeps him healthier over the other 2…maybe someone up there is giving him (and us) a break. He’s got enough challenges.
Laughter, attitude and not taking ourselves too seriously.
That helps us.
Sleep. Very important.
It’s so many things, i think. Genetics, nutrition, exposure to certain germs but not others, activity, stress and sleep, hand-washing… Some stuff we can control and some not. We’ve been lucky in many ways, though I could have done without a few rounds of croup per kid. That seems to be the weak spot, at least when they are small!
No way…now I’m on my way travelling 14 hours over the next 3 days…I hope its not going to get me…the kids will be in the van too…yikes!!
How’s this for irony. Guess who was up with a feverish puking kid last night? If you guessed me, you are right!
Funny you should post this…I was just thinking the same. I was thanking the universe yesterday for my healthy children…even though Sasha is allergic to Penicillin and easily gets fluid in her lungs (undiagnosed pneumonia because there is no xray to prove it…but it can be heard) after a cold and has needed antibiotic 3x since the fall. We all have environmental allergies but the children’s allergies seem to be subsiding as they get older (thank you breastmilk). Living in rural Northern Ontario complicates access to alternative remedies or therapists…but I am still so grateful for their health and vitality. Why are they healthy and others suffer from things such as Childhood Leukemia…I don’t know…but I am so grateful to the universe and my somewhat informed parenting. However, my greatest concern is my children’s mental health. There is a long history of addictions and depression in my family and as my children get older and life becomes more vulnerable to their choices (habits, nutrition, choice of perspective), I believe their physical health will also be more vulnerable. I can only be steadfast in my desire to keep them active, informed, empowered, and healthy to the best of my ability at this time and hopefully this will keep any dark times from turning to despair.
You’re right on Tracey.
I keep knock, knock, knock knockin’ on wood. (remember the disco tune?)
I have no idea. I knock on wood. That’s it.