While I may have the sagging bosoms and bottom of a 30 year-old mother of three, I have the face of a 16 year-old.
A 16 year-old with a bad case of acne, that is.
It’s bad, you guys.
My break-outs used to be confined to the week before my menstrual cycle would start, but as of late, my whole face has been peppered with pimples all month long. I know it’s partly related to stress and I joke that for every real estate deal I work on, I get a canker sore and a volcanic zit to show for the stress of pulling things together. (See, clients? This is how you know I care!) And my zits are not just little. They are EPIC blisters of near-boil proportions. And they pop of everywhere: on my chin, forehead, in MY MUSTACHE. (That last one really added insult to injury.)
I have tried ProActive, and tea tree oil and nothing really seems to help. This just doesn’t seem like a problem I thought I’d be dealing with in my thirties.
Anyone else reliving the Pizza Faced days of their youth? Should I go see my doctor? Or just grin and bear it?

My skin totally changed after having kids. Must be all the hormonal shifts. I have bad rosacea now but not acne. I did go see my dermatologist – maybe you should. You never know!
I struggled with this ever since I turned 16 but got really bad after my son was born. I eventually went to a dermatologist who recommended Accutane. I was on it for 4 months and it was pretty bad, but also worth it. I have completely clear skin now, but unfortunately have scars on my cheeks from two years of really bad acne that did not get treated. I would go to the dr and do some serious research for yourself about Accutane but it was worth it for me. The scariest thing was the side effects if you get pregnant, but it you are done with kids and take the necessary precautions it shouldn’t deter you. The dr also recommended getting my hormone levels checked, but I haven’t had a chance to do this yet.
Hi Amanda,
I have struggled with my skin my whole life. Going on accutane in my early 20s helped A LOT, it is a miracle drug in my humble opinion but it can also have some really scary side effects so would not go on it again at this stage in my life or unless I was having much more serious issues.
My skin is better than it used to be but it is still pretty bad, especially for someone in their early 30s. I have tried EVERYTHING. Lately I have tried cutting dairy out of my diet and it has helped a lot. The only dairy that I have now is cheese (because I cannot face the idea of life without cheese) and I try to limit that too. Anyway, as I mentioned, my skin is still not great but there is a big improvement and I am not as frusterated as before. Apparently this does not work for everyone but it’s made a difference for me. You may want to try it if you haven’t already.