Madame starts at a new preschool this week. It’s actually at the same place she’s gone to camp for the past two summers, so it’s not exactly new to her. But schools are different, and have different protocols at various points during the day – the dealings of the lunch and snacks are no exception – every place has it’s own way of doing.
In this case, she not only requires a lunch bag or box with all the appropriate labelling for the containers within, but she also needs a separate snack bag with her name on it. Upon arrival, lunch boxes go in one area, and the snacks go into a separate basket – this way, it’s clear what’s to be eaten when. *shrugs*
The last time I ordered some stuff from Mabel’s Labels, I got a little promo-card from a company called Itzy Ritzy, who make all kinds of reusable lunch boxes and bags, including those mini snack-bags that are wipeable/washable. That’s cool, since I try my best to make lunches as litterless as possible, AND I could get 20% off my order. Joy!
The smallest size is 7″ x 3.5″ which is roughly the size of a Ziploc snack baggie, and they sell two for $12.99. (Ack.) I found a motif I could stand to look at for a while (why are they often so meh?) and decided to just bite the bullet, thinking she’d use them for the next several years.
Okay, the floral one was fine. I mean, I gueeeess.
After filling out all the online stuff, just as I was checking out, I noticed the slowest method of shipping (Fedex International – ground) would cost $20.37 for my thirteen dollar item, so I promptly abandoned my cart. They must be out of their minds…
Later, I got a automatically generated email saying I still had an item in my shopping cart, and they could hold it for me, and I could get another 10% off my order, blah, blah, blah… I sent a quick email to the address listed on the site, basically saying the product seemed good, and fairly priced, but that the shipping was too absorbitant – if they could just mail it to me in an envelope for less, I would buy it.
That was four days ago, and I’ve had no response so far.
So I had the thought of just using some kind of zippered bag – something for make-up perhaps, or some kind of mesh baggie… and then I remembered I had some adorable felt pencil cases I’d bought from the dollar store – they were left over from loot bags I made for Oliver’s last birthday party…
I added one of the many stray bag-tags that come with the Mabel’s Labels accoutrement packages, and made a quick label that says SNACK on a key-tag with a metal ring (Martha Stewart makes great stuff, yo – I stash that crap along with other such stuff in that desk-thing we created last winter) and presto! The child has a tricked-out thingie to hold her stupid granola bar at last. (I reckon it’s better than that wine bag I used once.)
Thank you Dollarama!
Do you do litterless lunches? Do you bento box? How go the lunches at your house?
$60 for shipping? Um, no.
Incidentally, Itzy Ritzy never did acknowledge or return my email… I’ve crossed them off my list forevermore. It’s okay though – she’s actually LOVING this cute little thing! As am I… and it only cost $1. 🙂
I had the EXACT same experience with Itzy Ritzy yesterday, seriously – my order was around $55 and the shipping was $60! Insane!!
Thanks for the tip, Julie!
Well done!!! If you are ever in the market for that type of thing again, sells this sort of thing with free shipping in Canada everyday…..chaching!!!