Two celeb stories came out yesterday….leading me to ask ‘what is really hot??’
Mens Health Magazine released it’s list of the 100 Hottest Women of All Time. Topping the list? Jennifer Aniston. Hmm. She is gorgeous – absolutely. But of all time??? Hello – Raquel Welch? Ursula Andress? I saw a picture of Hedy Lamar in the paper this weekend (who didn’t make this list) and she has stuck with me – absolutely stunning. It’s a very odd list when Britney Spears is hotter than Sophia Loren. I’m just saying.
On the same day – Vogue Magazine released it’s cover with 62 year-old Meryl Streep on the cover. STUNNING. Why can’t everyone age like Meryl? She’s so talented, so funny, so beautiful and natural.
So what makes someone hot? Not sure – but I would have had Meryl beating out Madonna (#5?)…she can do a British accent way better.
I have said it before and I will say it again- HOT and Sexy are “etre bien dans sa peau” (to feel good in one’s skin) to be ALIVE and feel ALIVE. That is sexy
And Meryl is the queen of being alive.
JA – I don’t get – pretty yes, cute always, knockout body definitely but worldclass beauty? Nope.
I think going for who’s been in the magazines the most in the last two decades has skewed this, not to mention the idea of being more overtly sexual.
Hedy Lamar, as you mentioned, was considered the most beautiful woman in the world in her day, and it’s hard to argue it, she’s amazing. Vivien Leigh. Elizabeth Taylor. Sophia Loren. Grace Kelly. My god. They’re classic movie stars for a reason, and they knew how to be sexy while still being classy. Myself, I also find a bit of an edge to be hotter – and most of them had that, too, a little dose of attitude that said you’d be smart not to mess with them.
For more current stars? There are gorgeous, talented women of older years, certainly – Helen Mirren comes to mind. And tougher ladies – I am so Team Angelina, and love Drew Barrymore for not only surviving, but thriving. Jen Aniston is pretty, sure, but hottest? not even close, for my money.
maybe it was the “hot mess” list? i was flabberghasted by britney being in the top 10.
I think “popularity” and “hotness” are often confused… and they are not mutually exclusive, either. I have nothing against youth, and there certainly are some pretty girls out there, but they have no substance, other than fresh skin. I cringe when they open their mouths… but it’s not their faults that they are uneducated, and thrown into the celebrity mill, to be ground up, squeezed of all their juice, and spit out again before they’re 30. That’s why there’s so much reality television. You wouldn’t catch Meryl or Sophia telling “Celebrity Ghost Stories” or whatever – the ladies have substance… that’s what makes them hot to me.
Good post, Sara!
I totally don’t get this list. I think talent, intelligence, grace and confidence make a beautiful person even more so. But then the opposite is also true. Therefore, some of these people would be way down or not only my list at all (hello Britney!).