When spring finally springs, it’s a glorious thing indeed, but we’re not ready for bare legs for several weeks yet. So bring on the tights.
But indeed… where are all the tights? I’ve been having a hell of a time finding the kind of girls tights with feet, but without any cable-stitching or ass-y motifs on them. It’s not been an easy task, and some of my favourite places to shop at are decidedly sans tights right now.
So I scoured the internet and found a company called Tiny Soles out of Washington, who had a bunch of things to choose from. Given the time of year, sizing is always an issue for products like these, but I managed to find a few things to help us straddle the season… there’s a pair here more orchid in colour than I’d assumed (they were called “plum” on the site) but I think I can make them work on this little girl. And stripes are always easy.
Free shipping over $20. I can dig it.
lollipop striped tights – $12 each
solid “plum” tights – $11
Urban Kid Closet – March 29th, 2013