While looking for tights for this girl several weeks back, I popped into a store I don’t normally frequent, desperate in my search. It’s a based-in-Quebec chain called Souris Mini (Mini Mouse). I confess that I find their stuff a little too… Idunnowhat… for my kids. I find many of the patterns and colour schemes a bit bold for my taste all told, but that’s just me. (And it’s not what I’d call an inexpensive shopping experience so, behold the sales times!!)
That day turned up no tights I could abide by, but I did find this purple turtleneck sweater with the rabbit on the front (I guess it’s okay) but what I really loved were the funky sleeves that are attached only by a little tie at the upper bicep, which gapes a wee bit when she moves around. I thought it was adorable…. and you know how much I love stripes, right? (Plus it was on sale for half price – I wouldn’t have bought it otherwise.)
She reached into her drawer and pulled out the purple version of those tights I ordered the other day, and pulled down her most favourite of all the skirts, which she also wears here otherwise known as the tutu that will not die. And I wasn’t sure at first if the stripy arms AND the stripy legs wouldn’t be tres hard to look at – I mean, there is such a thing as too many stripes – but in this case, with the top and the skirt being solid in colour, and the boots cutting some of the stripy-ness on the bottom, I can dig it. And it helps that the stripes are similar in size, I think.
Plus, she’s only five… I reckon she can be as stripy as she wants to be.
It looks and feels spring to me. And it will look great paired with a denim skirt or white jeans… (Gotta find her some white jeans soon!)
Ava Scarlett wears:
knit turtleneck with detatchable sleeves – Souris Mini, $35 $17.50 sale
grey tutu – Old Navy (ancient)
lollipop striped tights in lavender, Country Kids – Tiny Soles, $12
brown leather riding boots – Zara, $25.99 sale (ancient)
Urban Kid Closet – April 9th, 2013

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