Katy Perry. Wow. She really blew me away. I usually think she looks pretty, um, unappealing. But, seriously, she looked so good last night. Her dress was flattering, her hair was beautiful. But, please, for the love of god, don’t get me started on how awful her singing was. Girl should NEVER ever sing live again. EVER.
Miley Cyrus usually looks ridiculous at awards shows. She has a habit of not dressing age-appropriate or appropriate at all. But I thought she looked absolutely lovely in this.
Finally. Taylor Swift sheds herself of her 80s home perm hair and goes for something sexy, dramatic and HOT. I thought she looked fantastic.
Oh, Ke$ha. Oh, Rihanna. Oh, Fergie. There really just are no words. I am literally without speech. I worry that these three didn’t get the memo that NO THIS WAS NOT A COSTUME PARTY.
THE WTF??!?!?!?!
What in the name of the Jetsons was Willow Smith wearing? I mean, really, I don’t even understand even a little bit what the heck is going on here. The boots. The gloves. The Snooki poof. The half of a jacket that is trying to eat her onesie and maybe her soul as well.
What did you think? Fashion winners? Fashion losers?
Anyone I missed?
Your description of Willow Smith is the funniest thing I have read in ages! You’re killing me girl, esp the part ab the onesie! btw, have you heard her song, i don’t get it at all.
I prefer Miley’s outfit to Taylor’s. A huge OH MY GOSH on the WTF section though! Dudes, it’s called a mirror! Use it!
Totally onside with everything except Miley. Thought she looked trampy as usual.
Poor Willow. Scary crazy.
Yeah, I have a feeling that if you looked up “trying too hard” in the dictionary you’d find that photo of Willow Smith. It’s a shame; she’s adorable and bubbly. I wish the stylists would take their hands off her and let her come up with her own look.
oooh I missed it and was waiting for your review. Taylor Swift looked insanely good – holy hell…. I saw another Miley pic with the train showing and it looked like paper towel..but this shot is good.
Willow Smith is insane – her mother and stylist are picking for her and it’s ridic…she’s 10 – go home.
I’m having trouble with Willow. Oh mah lord. Seriously? One or the other. Or the other. Or the OTHER. But not ALL!! Holy crap. She’s so cute too…