Earlier this week, I mentioned how I’d been puttering by doing this and cleaning out these. I finally sorted my own stuff, tossing the stuff that won’t do anymore, and pulling down the warmer things. (Why is mummy always last on the list? Le sigh.) Anyway, I’m done.
I’m going to show you the inside of my drawers now.
But wait.
Before you start hating me for my super-tidy ways, you need to understand something: In our house, I Am The Laundress. (Goo goo g’joob.) I wash it all, and I fold it all. I like neat drawers that aren’t crammed with stuff I don’t wear. If you don’t see what’s in there, you won’t wear it.
I learned how to fold like a muther a long time ago, and it’s as easy for me now as tying my shoes. I can do it with my eyes closed. It’s just a practised way of being that hasn’t changed a wit, and everything goes back in the same places, in the same ways, and I swear, it doesn’t take me ALL DAMNED DAY to do it. Just a few minutes – I promise.
And yes, I know all my clothing is black. But, you see what happens when I deviate, right? It’s better this way. And I do wear everything. So.
Top drawer has socks, underwear, and pajamas:
Middle drawer holds tops:
Bottom drawer has lesser-worn tops, leggings (ohmygod, like SEVEN HUNDRED pairs, or so… must pare down!) and one tres special t-shirt I never wear:
I want to say something about this Team Anissa shirt I bought a while back…
It was to help my imaginary online friend in my blogsphere who suffered a stroke out of nowhere while we were busily chatting about bacon and Ralph Macchio one morning (What? That’s totally normal stuff.) Anyway, proceeds went to helping her incredible family, so of course I purchased one straight away.
I have always kept it folded exactly this way in my drawer (even when it was in our other crappy dresser before we renovated and bought some new Ikea items) so that every time I pull it open, I think of her. I think of prayer – which I don’t even do, but that I TOTALLY DID DO, because I love this woman so hard and I wanted her to heal. I think of miracles. I think of health. I think of love.
I live my whole aesthetic life by one excellent William Morris quote: Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.
I keep this shirt because though I do not wear it, it is beautiful. It reminds me to live well. And happily. Time is fleeting… to love always. (And not to smoke cigarettes – I quit a few months later, you know.) Every time I open my drawer, all of these sentiments come to me in an instant, and that makes me smile. This is also what makes it useful.
So there you have it. My drawers, on display for the internets. Don’t be a hater – go fold some stuff, and be happy. 🙂
I hate mess, so I tidy up as much as I can. Problem is, right now, I lost my cleaning mojo. I just don’t feel like doing it. None of the cleaning. But it will come back soon, I’m sure. I just need to hear from my friends telling me they come for a “girls’ night” and everything sparkles. Are you the same, cleaning more than usually when you have guests?
My idea of how to get rid of stuff: if you did not use it for the last 2 years, let it go! Valid for clothes, bedding, household items, holiday ornaments, etc. Don’t think you will get back to the same weight and you’ll wear them, because even if you do (good for you) fashion changes, fabrics change, we change and we don’t like the same things. Give away!
How to start cleaning? Make an appointment with the Diabetes or other association or charity who will pick up your clothes and household items and then you have a deadline to respect. You don’t want the truck in front of your house and you are not ready to give them anything!
And BLACK is great! I accessorize it with a lot of coloured scarves, and jewellery shines more on black, isn’t it? I also have a lot of navy blue, some dark green, but it seems my fav colour is dark magenta-purple. Compliments better my skin and hair and… I love it.
It really is… it’s the only way for me to tame All. The. Stuff. *smoothes sweater and makes bed* It’s still largely exhausting though, isn’t it?
YES. That William Morris quote, yes! It’s the best.
Oh lawd, Alice!! I know the hell of the piles… I’ve got a few around the house I’m still working on… sometimes it feels like it will never end. Just start with one – give yourself 15 minutes to sort it, and that’s it. Save the rest for another day.
Also? The reason our drawers are so neat looking is because we only have about 11 things to wear each, it seems. Le sigh. No wonder I do so much laundry…
Women’s shelters are always in need of stuff in good repair – that’s great that you donate there, Sonya!! (And black clothes… I know. Oy.)
I’m in the middle of the switch of seasons, too, but this involves way too much clothing, and I am in desperate need to a culling. And to stop buying ore clothes. That, too.
Of course, as usual, I’m taking on too many projects at once to do any of them well or finish any of them, so I am also reorganizing and totally purging the room of Girl 7, which should help clear her junk, er, stuff, out of the living room, and we are reorganzing and purging the living room, which also involves relocating stuff to the pantry,k which also needs a reorg to work properly, and the night table for The Bun was in Girl 7’s room, so now it’s in the hall, because there is no space for it in his room until we move him into his bed and get the crib out of there…. Gawd, it’s a mess around here, so both seasons are sitting in heaps in my room.
all that to say? I am in pure awe. Some day…
looks like my drawers! …no wait, just the lots of black…only quickly tossed, semi folded and crammed in. sigh. Purges are great! I do it twice a year as well and give the clothes to a women’s shelter. Especially this time of year!
You? You should colour-block your stuff. It’s all so… shazam! Maybe…
You make me want to throw all my stuff away. In the good way.
I know! Why IS there so much to get rid of twice a year?! It’s kind of amazing. But, it feels soooooo good. YAY!
Julie! Haven’t you been paying attention? You know I buy everything from the place that Rhymes withh Sinners, or from Forever21, where everything is basically about $21 bucks… Hee!! (Happy to inspire you though, lady.)
We just did our fall purge, and I love how much cleaner the house feels because of it. (My daughter’s room especially was a new brand of ridiculous, but that’s another story.) Anyway, I too am the laundress. I hate messy drawers with stuff crammed in, making the clothes I launder all wrinkly and gross, and closets and shelves filled with stuff we don’t use. Boo to that! I’m a little sad that we seem to need to purge twice a year, now (where does all this STUFF come from?), but I so enjoy it when it’s done!
the tiers are very inspirational. however, this only proves to me that you went to the sheesheepoopoo mall and just photographed their newly renovated and newly displayed holiday stock. it can’t be real can it? can it????
fine, denial is over. i’m clearing out my drawers, too.
The tiers. Yes – life changing, I KNOW! I love it too.
And I love Anissa… thanks for reading.
When I saw the pics of your kids’ drawers the other day with the stuff all tiered-like so you can see what’s underneath, I raced upstairs amd did all our drawers like that. Life changing. I too, like a tidy fold and stack, but those tiers put me over the edge.
That Team Anissa is one very powerful shirt. Strength to her. Thanks for sharing her story, and a powerful message.