I have opportunity to meet one of my imaginary internet friends ce soir – my lady, Ilina who writes her blog Dirt and Noise as well as other freelance stuff around the place is in town with her fam damily for a few days… I look forward to meeting her in person since I almost never comment on her blog because she’s so smart and intimidating and excellent we’ve mostly been hanging out on Twitter for the past few years.
So. I believe I’ll wear this – one of my favourite blouses – sheer and lightweight despite all the beading and floral appliques, and it feels fresh and summery, especially paired with white jeans. The best part about this garment is I can turn it inside out, throw it into a garment bag, and then machine wash it with all my other stuff – I don’t care if I’ve lost a bead or two… it’s brilliant!!
I don’t know if I’ll take her to Philemon or to the rooftop terrace at the Nelligan Hotel, or maybe we’ll just stroll and chat… Garde Manger is just around the corner. I’ll throw my silver sandals in my purse in case we decide to wander. (But I’m wearing these nude heels, since I have no idea how tall she is…)
sheer blouse with beads and floral thingies – Forever 21, $35
white skinny jeans – ONLY Jeans, $45
silver belt with rhinestones, Guess – Winners
off-white straw purse – Nine West, ancient
leather sling-backs with peep-toe in cognac – Aldo, $90 $67.49 sale!
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keep me informed
I always love this shirt……..
Theyre at Aldo, Annabelle… and they also come in black. GO GET SOME!!
I want your shoes!!!