It only feels like -4 C outside today. Wooooo-hoooo!! I thought about wearing shorts, but then I remembered we’re not living on that kind of island. Le sigh.
So I can ditch the big brown parka in favour of this lightweight down-filled one in charcoal I picked up on a super sale from GAP last winter. It doesn’t cover my bum, but with today’s downright balmy weather, I’ll be just fine. It cuts all the noir I’ve got going on. (Slightly.)
I’ve also got a newish belt on – it’s grey that goes into the pink shade. As do my boots. And my faux fur infinity scarf (Purrrr…) and my bitchin’ new bag which IS pink (well, mauve really) which was a gift from my darling husband, under my excellent guidance. I will tell you that story next time.
I might even leave my coat open all day… wait, that’s crazy talk. *zips coat up to eyeballs*
down-filled jacket – GAP (last year)
silvery toque – H&M, $6
faux fur infinity scarf – Modena, (gift)
grey belt with lots of loops, Joe’s Jeans – Winners, $16.99
un-charming winter boots – Sorels (last year)
totally bitchin’ leather tote bag – Mauve, (gift)
Okay. I am hereby embracing the boots. GAWD! xox
No, YOU are cute no matter what, Village. I heart you, woman. *smooch*
I love those effing boots beyotch.
and yeah Ida – I have a big forehead here too and Im sitting at my desk wearing a slouchy touque (too lazy to wash the locks this am). You can fully pull it off!
Can I just say I hate my boots that look like yours but are black and can only wear them for our snowiest days in the city or full country days. I feel like a shlump in them like someone has yanked the sex appeal right out of me. I feel heavy and sad HOWEVER cold feet are the worst thing on earth worse than feeling ugly and shlumpy. So I give in when I need to.
But I am like you grumbler about my ugly sorels (and yours are way prettier than my 12 year old pair that wont die on me sadly). But you are cute no matter what!
They sure do – I feel like Im dragging one child wrapped around each ankle with every step… oy, my aching hip-flexors. 😉
i know they weigh as much as children but i appreciate your sentiment 🙂
Oh Idas… go get one of those slouchy toques and pull it down low on your brow… try one. Try one from the mens section at Joes or someplace (probably a bit longer than a ladies version), just to see how you like it. You can rock one – Im certain. Dont worry about your forehead – big braindedness is what it says about you, I reckon. Heh.
And yeah, its not as cold here as January ought to be (not today, anyway) but getting around in the slush is just my least favourite pass-time – even sans children – and this time of year generally makes me want to cry.
Pass. The. Wine. *whines*
OKay, okay… you win. They are TRES CHARMING and I love them almost as much as I love the children. (Um… wait…)
Okay, I now proclaim these boots to be sexy-as-hell from this day forward. For you, Princess. And for Julie, who has similar complaints… 😉
When you got legs like those, you can make even winter books look foxy.
Wish I could wear one of those funky saggy hats.
I have such massive forehead I can only wear a cap with a very small brim, thank goodness they make two or three wearble for my age demo each year otherwise my noodle would freeze on most days or I look like a hobo.
It is freakishly not freezing cold in Toronto.
Might be saving it for a kick in the knickers in March just for fun.
One upside to the extreme cold: the body works hard at keeping warm, that could mean pre-paid caloreis for a nice liquored coffee or a blueberry tea. That would definately brighten up my winter blues.
it makes me happy to see your latest look,
stop dissing ma boots!!!!! they are awesome!!!!! 🙂
Those boots are sexy as hell and I love them…and am uber jealous that you have them and I don’t. Please do not diss sexy boots again. It makes me sad.
I love you