So this is gardening.
I say this with a snort *snorts* because our “garden” is about the size of a postage stamp, and we’re not wicked green-thumbers around these parts. A few years back, we planted some cedars and lots of boxwood in the hopes of being able to maintain a reasonable looking outdoor space with very limited effort. This basically means raking some leaves and using the weed-whacker to cut the grass. We have an urn out there that can probably use some flowers or something… I’ll do that and the balcony window boxes one of these days when June decides to be warm all the time.
Sturdy boots or no, I leave the grass-cutting to my darling husband. But I will squat on my haunches and pick up stray leaves and other vegetal refuse. I mean, I guess. (Five bags worth, yo. Believe it.)
And when it gets hot and someone needs to jump on a scooter to go fetch some beer or something, I’m your girl. #stillcute
PS – I need a manicure now.
white crew-neck t-shirt , Parasuco – Winners, $16.99
cut-off army green shorts – Forever 21, $27
brown belt with grommets, Joe Jeans – Winners, $13
camo-motif army boots – Winners (ancient)
what you wear gardening and what i wear gardening are veeeery different 🙂
Aw, c’mon… same-same… right?