Yesterday I finally put lunch to my lips at about 3:30 PM. It was a double cheeseburger from McDonald’s I grabbed in a hurry – I shoved the fries in my purse, because I’m all classy like that – and I was eating it during our first snowstorm of the season in Montreal. I was eating it WHILE WALKING DOWN THE STREET because I had no time for things like eating at a table, indoors, as a person ought to.
Yeah. That makes me Klassy with a “K”, I guess.
I was out on the fastest power shop you’ve ever seen to find snow boots for Ava Scarlett, who would be going to preschool the following day, and therefore needed to have boots for winter. We’ve hardly had any snow thus far, and though I always had my eyes peeled for a pair that were neither too ugly (why must they put lights, and Dora, and pink and purple on everything?) nor too expensive (are $80 Bogs for a nearly-three-year-old too much to spend? Oh HELLS to the YES!) and I had to do the shop in about 45 minutes, while she played at our neighbour’s house.
I found her some. They were just under $50, and they are black, pink and purple, but the least ugly of the options I had in front of me at the time. But this post isn’t about her boots.
While I was out on said power shop, I came to understand, the hard way, that my own three-year-old winter boots were leaking.
Holy crap, Jesus. Thanks a lot.
So today, I set out looking for a pair that were neither too ugly, nor too expensive. I have a small foot, so sizing is nearly always an issue. After the first big dump of snow, boots have been flying off shelves all over the city anyway, so I knew I had to decide quickly and just move along with my life. Also, I can’t walk all over town for another day with my old boots leaking the way they do.
Have I ever mentioned that I don’t drive? Stroller + snowuptohere = stabby mummy. Yeah. Sucks to be me.
I’d seen these cute and cosy neo-mukluks (Adirondack tall) by Uggs – one of my neighbour-foxes is sporting them this winter and they look très adorable – but though I like this caramel colour, it’s not quite right for my dark brown coat. They’re sportier than I might normally get too. And priced at over $300, I’m thinking they’re also très dear.
I love the way these glamorous babies look, but I fear they might be impractical. But just a tad, mind you. You can find them at Aldo Shoes for $130. (Swoon!!)
I spied these at Aldo’s at the same time. They’re tall, which helps with the snow banks while dragging strollers on their back wheels down not-ploughed streets AND for walking the $*^*$@&%* dog, and they have an elastic drawstring instead of laces (bonus!) plus they have some adorable faux fur at the top. Mmmm… fur. The brown would be perfect with my coat too!
Price: $100. Reasonable, I reckon.
Salesgirl: I’m sorry, we don’t have them in your size…
Me: Of course you don’t.
Saleslady: I could try to order them for you? They might be here by Monday at the latest?!
Me: Never mind, I’ll take the black ones then.
They’re a size 6. Really, I’m a 5 or 5.5… so they’re a bit big. I bought one pair of insoles from Aldo’s but I think I’ll have to get another to make sure they fit better – perhaps the thick, wolley sherpa kind that leave your black socks all linty. (On second thought… maybe felt ones are better.)
Anyway, this is how they look… and the duck-boot bottoms are glossy in the black (the brown boots were more matte.) I think they’re a win!
What do you look for in a winter boot? I’m curious about how people make their selections…
i have a 6.5 foot and can relate.
Boot shopping is stressful- there is sexy and there is snowmobile. Not much worth spending money on in between. BUT I really like your choice and I think they are way cool.
Well done
(I have been known to carry a peanut butter parfait from DQ in my purse. Well it has a lid.)
Deep-freeze ladies, I hear you loud and clear. It gets pretty frosty here too – I think there’s an element of “we don’t care!” in Montreal that often puts “practicality” and “chic” on different pages. I’m hoping I got both. (But to be fair, given the price, I’m a bit afraid they won’t be nearly as warm as I’s like them to be when the minus one million degrees hits.) I might have to invest in some Sorels down the line. (Boxing Day, perhaps?!)
Sometimes it’s just better to stay indoors. Like, from now until April or so…
Calves are an issue for me, too, Alice. I have Uggs, they were a gift from my husband. But he got the really long ones and they’re too tight on my calves- they barely make it around. However, he didn’t get a receipt (or keep it, whatever) and I couldn’t return them, so long, too tight Uggs are my boots.
I used to live in Saskatchewan and then I was all about the Sorels because one cannot, I repeat CANNOT, care about fashion when it’s -40 🙂
With me it’s the calves that are an issue. I had enough years of ballet and bike riding and such that my calves have always been the tough part to fit, so that dictates a lot. I also need practical for stomping along sidewalks with those snow-bogged strollers you mention, so heels are low if anything.
Those are cute boots! Oh, how I covet. But they would totally not go with my puffy black down MEC jacket. Also, my crew would be rolling on the ground laughing to see me in something so not-purely-utilitarian. My husband and/or my girlfriends need to take me out to dinner more often so I can justify those boots! Also, I don’t drive, either. And I haul a triple stroller (plus 3 walking preschoolers) to all my crews’ winter field trips. In Alberta. And when the snowplows pile all the dirty icebergs of packed frozen road snow up onto the sidewalk? Yes, there is stabbiness. But it would suck less in cute boots, I think.
Aa, I think these one will be okay, since they’re entirely synthetic and not leather. They shouldn’t stretch at all. I’ve been wearing them inside the house all day, and they will need another insole for sure, but they’re otherwise comfy enough, and not too heavy. #WIN!!
Jen, I’d do anything to see you in the awesome Yeti boots – I don’t care how big your feet are – they’d make your legs look 10 feet tall… that rocks. They might look like furry hip-waders on me… that sucks.
I think the black ones will do. Yay for me.
Should always buy winter boots of this nature on the small size-they stretch. I blew the bank 2 years ago and bought some Pajars (mtl made) but got them slightly too big (half size) and I can’t wear them anymore. They weren’t the colour I wanted, or even the style I prefered but I needed boots and was short on time. I failed miserably on that endeavour. I hope yours work out better! They seem more fitted along the calf so ur probably good even if they do stretch a bit.
First of all, small shoes may be as hard to find as big but a cute little foot in a funky boot looks a WHOLE LOT BETTER than a giant sized one in anything. I speak from experience. For example, those glamorous faux fur pair from Aldo you featured above? Not only would I be a GIANT but also the Abominable Snowman type of one. No girl with big feet can pull off high, hairy boots.
Count yourself lucky. Oh, and your choice of the black look is as cute as can be.
It’s not so much fun having small feet – getting my size is always a problem. Le sigh. I suppose they wouldn’t look horrible at night either… and you can come pancake my shoes any time – just don’t forget the twirling skirt!!
I WISH I could afford all the boots I covet… of course, I’d need a special boots closet…
seriously? do you want to borrow one of my boots? i’m a size 10. #@$@& tiny feeted people 😉 guess our closet playdate is out since i’ll end up pancaking your totally cute shoes!
i think you found a great boot! functional for day, could be good for going out at night. that’s basically my criteria since i can’t afford a dressy pair, a sloshy pair, an omigod! pair….