When I was a kid, my dream was to be a BC Lions cheerleader and a dentist. Something about sparkly Spandex booty shorts and power tools just spoke to me, I guess. The great thing about Canada is that no matter how ridiculous or misguided your dream is, the odds of you achieving it are a lot higher here than a lot of places in the world – I mean, I didn’t become either a cheerleader or a dentist, but I don’t feel like either of those things would have been completely impossible.
Nothing is impossible, if you have the support to help you get where you dream of going.
Blog or Tweet about your dream, and support the dreams of children around the world.
During October, I want you to share your dream, whether that dream is for you, for your kids, or for the kids out there who will need a bit more help. Blog or Tweet about your dream, and support the dreams of children around the world that those dreams have a chance to come true.
If you have a dream to share, upload it now to the World Vision Dream Share Wall. You can also tweet your dream using the #DreamShare hashtag or write your own blog post on any dream topic of your choice! Dream Share is an initiative of World Vision, a global relief, development and advocacy organization that believes every child should have the ability to dream – and dream big!
I love big dreams… we are so very fortunate to live where we do. Le sigh.