Cleaning products are my nemesis. I am quite sensitive when it comes to artificial scents, and also to harsh cleaning products. For me, a trip down the cleaning product aisle is a frustrating one – finding cleaning products that don’t set off one [or both] of my sensitivities can be difficult. Add to it my general frugality, and it’s near impossible. I don’t like paying more for cleaning products that are “natural”, so in the end I do what’s cheapest: I DIY.
This glass cleaner was a product of much trial and error. It started out as a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water with a little cornstarch, which is what a friend recommended to me. It was good, but not great. I fiddled with the proportions and added some rubbing alcohol after seeing that in a few DIY recipes around the internet, and this was the eventual result!
Ok, so it’s a DIY cleaner, but does it work? You bet. This is a before and after shot, taken in my kids’ bathroom. I started with an already-dirty mirror, covered in fingerprints and toothpaste flecks, and then I sprayed on some hairspray and let my 5 year old rub her greasy, dirty fingers all over the mirror. I even let it sit overnight for good measure [because I can’t be the only one who doesn’t clean something up immediately!] before breaking out the rag and cleaner.

You can see for yourself, the mirror went from absolutely disgusting to sparkling like you could eat off it. It would be hard to eat off it given its vertical orientation, but you could if you could figure out how. Overall, it didn’t take much more elbow grease than cleaning with Windex. This cleaner is a winner in my books, and we won’t be going back to purchasing glass cleaner any time soon!
All-Natural DIY Glass Cleaner
1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
1/2 cup vinegar
1 1/2 cups warm water
1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
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