It’s funny how traditions start. Sometimes pinpointing the exact moment is easy and other starting points are bit blurry, with various parties claiming ownership about the origin of the good times.
In this instance, it’s pretty simple. My sister’s family are experienced campers, both car and canoe camping, so last year they invited us to join them on the shores of Lake Huron at a Provincial Park called The Pinery. We agreed and had a fantastic time, splashing in the surf, before huddling back to our huge sites for campfire meals and plastic glasses of wine.
It is these little two or three day traditions that help create the memories that last a lifetime.
This year, we were the instigator, booking sites back in March, for two nights in July. You have to book that early, because this park is very popular and the sites book up quick. In fact, we could only find midweek sites, nothing was available on the weekend. Unfortunately this year, my sister’s family could not join us, so we reached out to good friends with similarly aged boys to join us at The Pinery.
All the boys have known each other since their respective births, ages trickling from 12 to six, seeing each other on random dinner party weekends or occasional sleepovers as they do not attend the same school.
We are all, including the adults, very comfortable with each other. Which is very important when camping, because various stages of undress and bedhead can pop up at any time.
Once again, all involved had an awesome time.
I made a chili at home which we reheated over the fire like true veterans.
We had a half a day of really fun surf for boogie board fun and other times, the magical Lake Huron was a calm, beach extending as far as we could see, the adjacent dunes offering our jackrabbit boys something to get lost and found in.
It’s a bit of hike from Toronto to The Pinery, about a three hours drive and camping is a lot of set up and tear down for only two nights, but it was worth it looking at the sun soaked faces of our boys asleep in the back seat on the way back home.
It is these little two or three day traditions that help create the memories that last a lifetime.
Ok that was a bit hallmarky, but please share some of your traditions in the comment section below.
We are only about an hour away from the Pinery now, and I still haven’t been there, but we have a yurt booked for September. I can’t wait. We just spent a few days in Tobermory, also gorgeous if you’re willing to drive a few more hours.