I’ve got this massive glass bowl sitting in my office overflowing with business cards. OVERFLOWING. The contacts are really good and I can generally remember who most of them are BUT not always. Sometimes Jen (boss lady) asks if I have a business contact of someone that I’ve mentioned meeting a few months back but I don’t have immediate access to the info …and it’s sitting in that glass bowl.
Now here’s a useful app that is the solution to help me be more organized! Card2Contact easily adds new contact info with a simple scan of a business card. It will take it one step further! The app will store the info and asks you how you met this person so you won’t forget! AND it will store everything including notes to follow-up on any business opportunities! The app manages the important information you need to know by digitizing the scanned biz card and will also integrate your calendar, address book and notes.
I’ve always been impressed with people I know who have that super power of remembering the finer details from a previous meet. Now I can have that super power too!
“Oh yes, Bradley Cooper… why of course I remembered that time in Vegas when you were sitting next to me at Nobu and we started talking about Tom Ford, and you then took me shopping.”
Okay I wish.
This is definitely useful app for any social butterfly, busy mom, mompreneur, and business executive. It’s a great tool to make you a “networking” rock star!
Card2Contact, created by Way2Smile Solutions, is an award-winning Blackberry App to Android and is available at the Google Playstore. The app is free with paid upgrade options.
Check it out…
[youtube id=”Gy8ro1og7mI”]
I like your Bradley Cooper fantasy! But seriously, this is a way cool app. I guess I’ll have to wait for them to make one for iPhone though?
iPhone version is on the way!