Most of January has consisted of me stranded alone in my house with both kids. Save a couple of visits to and from grandparents, it’s been just the three of us. Instead of focusing on how ridiculous and overwhelming my situation is I’ve decided to start finding all the positives.
1. I can eat all the Double Stuff Oreos I want. I can even eat just the centers and throw the cookie part away! Not that I’ve done that mind you. Really who just eats the centers of their Oreos.
2. I can drink all the Diet Coke I want with no judging. I can even leave half full cans scattered about with no consequence.
3. I can eat all the McDonald’s I want without having to hide the evidence. Chase doesn’t really care if I eat healthy or not so long as he gets his chicken.
4. The TV is MINE. All mine. I can watch endless hours of soap operas, crime dramas and medical shows. I DON’T have to watch the History Channel.
5. Considering that I wear the same two pairs of sweatpants all week there is considerable less laundry. If I could get the kids to stop pooping and puking on themselves laundry would be almost non-existent.
6. I don’t have to wait for an acceptable time to “use the ladies room”. I realize it’s silly considering that I’ve been with my husband for almost 8 years but I still don’t want him around when I’m doing my business. Ladies don’t poop you know.
7. I don’t have to fight anyone for the good blanket.**
I suppose there are a few drawbacks. There are just some things that I don’t know how to do, safely anyway, like start a fire or turn up the water heater. I’m also in charge of all poop clean-up, kids and cat. I guess you can’t win all the time.
**A little explanation about the blanket statement. My husband and I are both cocoon sleepers and not very good at sharing, therefore we have two comforters on our bed. We have nice chocolate brown lightweight down comforter and a twenty-year-old tattered blue plaid comforter. When we are both home we have nightly arguments about who gets the good blanket (the blue one). We are so screwed when that thing finally falls apart.
UPDATE!! I can’t believe I forgot this one.
8. I can make cookie dough and not have to pretend that I’m ever going to actually bake cookies. I just eat a spoonful every time I pass the fridge! It’s not like cookies get healthier when you bake them and salmonella is a risk I’m willing to take.
Ladies NEVER poop! *snickers* I know, I know…
…this is my life ladies…every night….
I swear it does have its positives!
And so hilarious about the accptable time…love it!
Hubby’s new job will have him travelling every month (between 3 days and 2 weeks out of the month).
I hated when he was gone when the kids were little. Especially when the boys were babies. Hated. Thank god he didn’t travel that often.
Now that they are older I really don’t mind a bit. Sure I miss him, especially at night, but I find that I am much more organized when he’s not home. Dinner is made, homework is done, baths are given and bedtime is much regimented when I’m on my own.
I think I’m afraid if I let go a bit then chaos will ensue.
So umm…you wait for an “acceptable time” to uhh…do your business? I had to laugh at that! Funny!!
I completely agree with the two blanket system. We have the pretty brown comforter that gets used when the bed is made, but we have separate ratty blankets that we LOVE because we cannot seem to share one blanket. It is a good system to have!
I am reading this post, in my pj’s with a glass of milk and a chocolate chip STORE BOUGHT cookies…wanna know why??
DH is away tonight!!
OK, the truth is that not much would be different, even if he were here – we are 14 years into marriage, there is still lots of love & lust but he doesn’t go away often enough to satisfy my cravings for junkfood & pj’s!
And now I am craving McDonalds & Diet Coke, lovely!
When I spent two weeks of every month as a single mom, I remember REALLY liking the first couple of days…for so many of these reasons…mostly the diet coke and the remote!