According to my “Sleeps To Christmas” app there are 28 sleeps until Christmas.
The kids completed their lists a few weeks ago and I got a jump start on shopping this year. I have only a few things left to buy and I think I’ll have it all done by the end of next week. Then I’ll be able to hang out at the mall, drinking coffee or hot chocolate, taking in all of the holiday atmosphere without having to deal with all of the holiday hassle.
Cuyler’s letter to Santa was pretty straightforward.
Dear Santa,
I want an iPad mini.
From Cuyler.
This year, Cam addressed his letter a little bit differently. I didn’t let on that I noticed and he didn’t mention it.
To Who It May Concern,
For Christmas I would like either a Lucky scooter 2014, Drum set or a piano
And James van Rymiesdyk jersey
NBA 2K14
Or an iPhone please.
I would mostly like the scooter or drumkit and the JVR JERSEY
Thank you. Campbell
And Eva’s? Well let’s just say she’s going big this year. Two pages.
Every year when I ask Sean what he wants for Christmas he usually shrugs and says “I dunno. I don’t need anything”.
This year I told him I needed more than that from him. He obliged with this:
- a new Liverpool FC toque
- FIFA14
- Moores gift cards
As for me, I just want need a new iPhone. (I love my iPhone4 but it’s not performing as well as it did 2 years ago.)
So tell me – what’s on your Christmas list this year?
I haven’t even started thinking about ANY of this! #lateforChristmas
i kinda just went shopping and bought a couple of new things from my local designer’s boutique (sounds all sheesheepoopoo when i say it like that!) so i’m good for this year! 🙂
Agreed. My iPhone 4 is nearly 3 years old and I lust after a 5S, but I think a 5 is about as high as I can aspire (with hardware upgrade and contract renewal). For reals though I’m asking for a rice cooker and a new Sonicare (my old one bit the dust and my teeth wept).