Relax, I’m not that kind of girl.
(Okay, I guess maybe I am a little…)
While walking down the street pushing Madame in the stroller yesterday, I ran into a friend of mine I haven’t seen in a while. As we live in Montreal, we both leaned in for the two-cheek kiss, but we each leaned to the same side, so we accidentally-on-purpose kissed each other on the lips.
This happens sometimes with the two-cheek kiss. It’s only problematic if someone hasn’t had a Tic-Tac.
Anyway, we said hello… he said he liked my hat… I said I’d be in to see him at his restaurant soon… we parted ways with a quick squeeze on the arm. It was nice to see him. He’s a handsome dude, and he always smells good.
As he walked away from us, Ava Scarlett craned her head around in the stroller and said, “Is that man a stranger?”
Me: No, that’s my friend, Stephen. We’ve been to his restaurant before, remember? It’s over there… *points to indicate*
She: Did you kiss him on the lips?
Me: Yes. *smiling* But, it was kind of an accident. I meant to kiss him on the cheek…
She: *stares at me*
Me: What?!
She: Well… *slow blink, turns head* …I won’t tell daddy about that.
Aaaaaand scene.
It’s really not a big deal – or, it isn’t if you’re ME – It’s just how I roll, yo. I kiss everyone. And anyway, it’s not as if I closed my eyes or anything…
Happy Friday, all. Go kiss somebody. (But not with tongue – that’s a totally different kind of thing.)
Wish I were in Motreal there with the handsome men! You are so funny and I love the way you write:) As for my kiddies they would so be waiting to bust me as fast as they could!:)
Wow, Idas!! I had no idea… but, when we meet, you WILL be encouraged, so GET READY!!
We all kiss on the mouth at our house – in the normal way – you know. I’m glad my sever year old son still thinks it’s okay. 🙂
Ditto, dollface… muaaaaah!!
I can’t wait to meet you. So I can kiss you!
Hey Tracey,
I have a friend whose family all peck on the bouche.
Contrastlingly, in my famiglia, we get hugs on birthdays and Christmas and the odd time so I know I am bit on the chilly side unless encouraged. (Amazing we possess Italian genes and all).
Every time we’d visit this friend, he would always peck me on the kisser, never seemed to bother Steve too much but I found it made me squirmy.
Mistake kisses are thoroughly *TOTALLY* worth the awkwardness for a hee haw laugh.
Any other families peck on the mouth?
(I do still smooch my 4 yr old on the kisser, still too delish to give up, she still has her sweet baby breath but soon enough I’ll be getting the shove off).
I can assure you, it was NOTHING like that – I promise!!
can i put a link here? i have visions of this ad for alexander keith’s….
Aw, poo. You need new friends then… 😉
I kiss you back, Idas!!
Cute! Sadly, I rarely run into kissable men, and when I do I’m usually with my husband, and he, or the kissable man’s wife, object to kissing on the lips. 🙁
Solidarity. Nice.
Mouaaa. and. Mouaa.
You should remedy that. Especially with the ones who are not your husband. 😉
I know, right? Heh.
Hee hee – I don’t kiss people enough, really. Especially not handsome men who aren’t my husband!
I love it! It’s so nice of her not to bust you 🙂