I have this imaginary internet friend called Amy Turn Sharp. (Isn’t that just the most perfect name ever?) We’ve not met in person, but we’ve been weaving around each other out in the cyber spaces for years and years… for ages and ages… forever. She is cute and delightful.
She and her husband have a tres adorable shop which is also on Esty, with some of the most charming handmade wooden toys I’ve ever seen. Amongst my favourites of all their offerings has to be the moustache rattle (which also comes in different shapes) and I’ve given them as newborn gifts to baby boys AND baby girls alike. (I mean, if giving twin baby girls teething moustaches isn’t he funniest thing in the world, then I seriously don’t know what it.)
But this is not why I mention her – there’s more.
Let me first say I do not write poetry. Whenever I think of doing so, I shut that idea down pretty fast, because my friend Amy Turn Sharp has a lock on it. She is your modern-day love poet, and she is really, really good at it.
She wrote a 365 blog last year, one poem each day, and everything I read almost knocked me on my butt from it’s awesomemess. Really. I let out a whoooosh of air every time I read one. She certainly has a way with words, that Amy.
Like this one:
Often she talks about love – for all the people in our lives and in our families, for all the reasons, and in all the ways – not just in the “lover” ways. I think she’s outstanding. Do check out her blog if you feel like swooning in that heartbreaking kind of way. They’re just… delicious. You will like them. You can also follow her on Le Twitter @amyturnsharp.
I can’t wait to see what she writes today…
Happy Valentine’s Day to all!! Feel warm in your hearts, people. Be generous, and send love out to all the people around you… lovers and friends alike. Eat some chocolates – even if you buy them for yourself… you’ll get the very ones you like the best!!
Thanks, friend! You enjoy yourself too!! xox
Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Have the best day ever, Poet Lady. You rock the hard jam. Happy Valentine’s Day!!
this made me cry. you are so kind xoxoxo happy valentine’s day love xo