Back in high school, I had EPIC parties. My parents traveled a ton and my house would become the gathering spot. There was a bouncer who wouldn’t let me back in my house but let random people leave wearing my sister’s clothes! There was a missing wooden pigs tail found in a golf bag months later. There were 8 people in a bathtub meant for two. You get the picture.
This continued into my twenties and thirties. There were Hallowe’en parties at my first apartment where we realized we didn’t know half the people there since they were costumed. There were insane Christmas parties where we bought pizza with the money that was bet on how many stitches my buddy would get for a chin-drop gone wrong. (Five…and yes, he came back to party).
You get the idea.
Well people. The party is over. This morning at about 1:45am, I became old. I called the cops on kids having a party.
What’s next? Will I turn the volume down in the car? Will I start saying, ‘Oh yeah, well when I was a kid….’. Will I start to wear Depends?
Here’s the scoop. We live in a really quiet family neighbourhood. Except for the low-rise apartment building tucked among the houses. I went to bed at 10p and the party was rocking at the building. Okay, fine. I can deal, it’s only 10. At midnight, I was starting to get annoyed but tried to remember my parties back in the day. By 1:30, it was just getting louder and louder and I was getting more and more pissed off. So I looked up ‘non-emergency police calls’ on my phone and then literally sat like a judge on The Voice with my finger over the ‘call’ button.
Then the shotgun’ning contests started.
Countdown 3 -2 -1…. GO….. quiet….. then ROAR for the winner. Then I hit my buzzer and called. Enough was enough. Over and over again. Everyone congratulated by a voice who I will hear all day today yelling ‘JESUS F(*^^ING CH….’ . Listen. That is my swear word of choice. If James Lipton from Inside The Actors Studio interviewed me and asked for my favourite curse word, that would be my answer. But not at 1:45 in the morning.
I was horrified calling the cops. But I was also not prepared to go over there. Too many kids and frankly, I didn’t want to be a target. By 2:00a, two car doors closed and within two minutes, blissful silence.
I’d like to take a minute to apologize to all my neighbours who didn’t call the cops on me. You must have hated me. Or you had really fantastic earplugs.
If anyone needs me today, I’ll be over here drinking coffee and talking about the good old days – before the intrawebs and things.
Last year, an official visit by 22 division finally stopped, permanently, the backyard summer parties going on across the street from us courtesy of the teens with cottager parents. I don’t know whether it was fear of police, or a dressing down by very embarrassed parents who couldn’t leave the driveway for weeks without one of the neighbours disclosing the years of torment. you did good…now, back to your knitting 🙂
Something similar happened to me and all I could think about as they were getting noisier and noisier was how little sleep I was going to get and much I had to do at work the next day and that’s how I knew it was time for comfortable pants and herbal tea before bedtime. The upside is that now I am really big on day drinking.
day drinking….love it!
You’re gonna have to get a cane so you can shoo those damned kids off your lawn, too. 😉
blaarrrgh….GET OFF MY LAWN!!!! 🙂
noooo – my lawn is turf so I’m safe!!!
bahahaha oh how the tides turn you old lady
I am hoping this is not portent for an early bail at the retreat grandma.