I’ve been Netflix bingeing and that can only mean one thing—parenting pop culture. My latest indulgence is Scandal, which seems on the surface to be unrelated to parenting. However, I have realized after careful consideration that Olivia Pope’s antics relate very closely to mom life…
When your friends want to go out but the kids are sick and you just can’t justify leaving them, you feel a little bit “Olivia” when you explain:

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Responding to unsolicited parenting advice when people who don’t know you or your kid try to tell you that you’re “doing it wrong”.

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When a forgotten lunch/field trip form/school project emergency occurs, you know just what to do. You’ve got this.

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Olivia Pope spends a lot of time trying to get people to “put on white hats” and do the right thing. As a mom, you don’t care what colour the hat is, just put the freaking thing on so we can go where we need to go and do what we need to do without getting sunstroke. Seriously, just put the hat on.

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We go all in as moms. We take our responsibilities to our children seriously and make this solemn vow:

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As soft and loving and kind as we are, we are incredibly scary when we say:

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When the kids are in bed and supposed to be asleep and they want just one more juice box/story/opportunity to discuss quantum physics and you are just done for the day, thanks. It’s clearly a manipulation/delay tactic and there is no actual need.

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When you are waiting for them to make a decision about what to eat/wear/drink, really anything in a timely way. It can be exasperating.

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When you think bedtime routine might not take eleventy billion hours this time and it still totally does. THAT. When the glimmer of hope vanishes and you realize you’re in it for the long haul.

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When you’re so tired you put things away in the most random places and then can’t find them again. Like the time I found my keys in the fridge.

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When you think you know your kid and then they go and ask grandma “So were you alive in 1492 or no?”

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Being a mom is basically like being a crisis manager. Parenthood is all about being a “fixer.” You give motivational speeches to those who follow you around, hanging on your every word. In the end, you are their gladiator and they need you.
And also, you’re a total badass.
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