It’s not everyday you receive a bionic arm from your favourite superhero. But young Alex Mead got just that when he got to spend a special afternoon with Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr.
Alex, who was born with a partially developed arm, received a 3D-printed bionic arm from Limbitless Solutions, a volunteer group led by Albert Manero, where they build and donate bionic limbs for children. Thanks to the Collective Project, Downey Jr. was able to hear about the incredible work Limbitless was doing and even got the chance to hear Alex’s story. When Downey Jr. heard about the 7-year-old’s love for superheroes, he knew what he had to do.
So this past Saturday in Atlanta, Tony Stark (aka Iron Man aka RDJ) surprised Alex and presented him with his own fully functioning Iron Man-inspired bionic arm. But for the full superhero experience, Downey Jr. also showed up with his robotic arm from the Iron Man movies and together they sat side by side, comparing their awesome bionic limbs.
Alex’s bionic arm is just some of the latest advancements in prosthetic technology. Much like the real thing, he is able to open and close the hand just by flexing his bicep. While the cost of this prosthetic is about $350 in materials, children like Alex, receive them for absolutely free. The only difference here is, Alex got his specially delivered by Iron Man himself.
Kudos to Downey Jr. for never breaking out of character and making someone’s day extra special!
Nice postee!