Parents know the struggle all too well. Trying to put your toddler to bed and getting them to stay there can be a huge challenge. Now imagine doing that with twins when it’s still daylight at 10pm and you have challenge of epic proportions.
Just ask Norwegian mom Henriette Jonassen. Thanks to Norway’s long summer days and short nights, Jonassen’s twin boys aren’t a huge fan of bedtime. “I’ve been struggling with getting my twins asleep for a few weeks now (due to extremely hot weather and long, sunny days),” writes Jonassen in her video description.
The twin boys who typically share a room together were separated after a friend suggested to Jonassen that splitting them up might help the situation. It didn’t.
Jonassen decided to film the two hour bedtime ordeal in this funny yet frustrating time lapse video. We’ve got to hand it to her though, this mama has the patience of a saint.
“I’ve tried different methods. This one was definitely the worst one! But it gave me a good laugh tho,” she writes.
Since going viral, Jonassen says although she’s gotten a lot of positive feedback from other parents who relate to the situation, it’s the negative comments she’s worried about. Some of the worst ones suggest the 21-year-old is a bad mother who doesn’t know how discipline her children. Some even suggesting she hit and spank her children, a practice that’s illegal in Norway.
“When you call me a bad mom, tell me I never should have kids and encourage me to hit my kids, I can’t just sit back and say nothing. I won’t,” she wrote on her blog. “What I want to achieve, is to tell you that I’m not a bad mom. I’d do anything for my children, I really would.” Take that internet trolls!
This video got us thinking, is bedtime anything like this at your house?
out of my 8 children my 3 year old twins win first prize for bedtime craziness! I actually had to take all the clothes out of the bedroom and line them up in bins in the hallway because they were dumping everything out of the drawers! then there is the in and out of the room, going to siblings bedrooms and taking things from their rooms – including once markers that were then used on their bedroom wall. On average it takes 2.5 – 3.5hrs to get them to sleep! I can completely understand your frustration:)