Yesterday I sat on the couch with Ava Scarlett flipping through picture books with her, when Favourite Colour came on. She like this song a lot, the hip little girl does. So does her mum. (There’s no real video to watch… just ear candy.)
Me: *sidelong glance* What’s your favourite colour, miss?
She: *without missing a beat* Pink. And yellow.
Me: Yellow, too? Hmmmm!
She: And orange.
Me: Yes.
She: And green. And greenish-blue.
Me: Ummm…
She: Oh, and puuuuurple. *eyes roll upwards* I just love purple. And blue. Like, light blue.
Me: Wait…
She: And navy blue.
Me: Hey!
She: And red. I just looooove red… *swoons*
Me: Ava Scarlett!! *put hand up to gesture STOP* Do you know what favourite means?
She: Yeah. Favourite, like your favourite thing. The best one.
Me: Yes, that’s right… but you just named ALL the colours.
She: Not all. I didn’t say them all.
Me: Didn’t you? Well, you’re supposed to choose just one colour, not the whole rainbow.
She: *looks at me like I’m a plain idiot* But I like the whole rainbow. *fans fingers in semicircle fashion*
Me: *busts out laughing*
She: *smiles* Which one is your favourite colour?
Me: *shakes head* I can never choose… I like the whole rainbow too.
So, tell me what’s YOUR favourite colour, hmmmmm?!
i always say “plaid”…you can’t go wrong!
cutie patootie, she is.
I love nancy pink.
and sky blue
and lime green
and the pink colour of sky at night when it is full of snow about to happen
I don’t even have to tell you because you already know what colour make me happy!
Both of my girls say that when asked. Awesome!
Awesomeness….Kids are the greatest, and yours obviously takes after her Mama!!