This morning my son walked to school with our neighbours, and a short time later, I took his sister to preschool for her first morning this year.
And then I returned home to some silence I haven’t enjoyed since June. Silence really is golden, yo.
But, this time of year – the return of the school routine and earlier bedtimes – makes me feel… ready to be myself again. I mean, being more of the parts of myself that I find I lack during the summer months.
I’ve been available to the children all summer long. I’ve been the games entertainer, the park monitor, the human pool-apparatus. I walked to the outer-limits of my neighbourhood on a daily basis to get to day camps and for other recreational purposes, and then I did it all again, day after day (after day) in the sweltering heat. And in the pouring rain. I made mud-pies. I coloured and painted and cut paper and stuck stickers on things.
And since the start of August, my children have mostly been home, next to me almost the entire time, talking their fool heads off, or fighting with each other… but as of today, I am alone for a few mornings per week again, and the change didn’t come a moment too soon. I am diggin’ it. And, I am DANCING!!
I love the Black Crowes – I always have. Check out sassy Chris Robinson channeling his inner Janis Joplin, shakin’ his skinny butt in those crushed velvet bell bottoms… I tell you, if that man is even a little bit smart or darling or romantic (and if he can do the dirty-dirty even half-way well) then I know exactly why Kate Hudson married him once… oh my.
I’m not a religious person at all, but lordhavemercy, this song has got a super-funky way of making me want to close my eyes, raise my hand in the air and scream hallelujah! I’m totally getting mah hippy-dance on this morning. And I’m playing it L-O-U-D.
I will boogie the whole time I’m preparing quiche for my back-to-school brunch for my neighbour-foxes tomorrow… lots to do today. And I get to do it alone.
This is my remedy. Finding my way back to ME, one funky song at a time.
(And I’m just realising this morning that this song is 20 years old. Holy crap.)
Got songs that bring you back to yourself? Share!
I’m with Erin here…I trade two voices for 26 every workday! Two of my favourite lines at work: “I don’t hear whiny voices – save that one for your mother” and “Ms. M is not a door – please don’t knock on me” (that one when the kiddies come up and tap, tap, slap on your leg, arm, etc. to get your attention instead of waiting their own darn turn).
As for great songs? My current TOTAL FAVE is also Adele: Someone Like You. But I also love the hauntingly peppy Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People. Can’t stop singing it, but totally spooky. Alas, I too am kept in Top 40 heaven by my ‘tween girls!
Led Zep, Black Crows, Hedley, Green Day! Of course I am forced to listen to all the “in music” of today thanks to the kiddies. I just love music. Period. It is also a necessity while driving to drown out the crying, screaming, singing of 8crazymonkeys! LOL!
Hi Samantha! Thanks so much for commenting!! That Nancy knows some good people, methinks. 😉
Yes, the new September silence is always so enjoyable, and all the better with some awesome tunes… your picks are classic excellence – I’d come dance at your house too!
Dude, I totally feel you. I’ve got some serious punk-love in my heart too… the “12 year old” variety like Sum 41 makes me very happy (and The Queers… heh.) I like it on when I’m working, since it doesn’t make me want to get up and dance, but for getting my groove on, I like my punk with a side of funk, so I’ll get to Higher Ground via the Peppers, and have a Heart Attack (maaaaaaan) with the Beastie Boys.
No one does a 2 minute shredder like the Ramones though… poo.
I think I want a copy of your mix-tape – I love ALL those songs too…
That’s just stating the obvious.
I love Stevie so hard, my head could explode. 😉
Me, I am basically a tween boy in the form of a middle-aged woman, so I’m all about bubblegum punk. You know, bratty, snotty Ramones-derived stuff like Simple Plan and Sum 41 and my favourite, The Queers. That’s all me.
lordhavemercy I’m back online, yo! hee, hee. Finally connected at the new casa.
I have to say that summer is easier for me. Only two voices instead of, say, the 100 I have to listen to now. I do love them all though!
As for music, I’m out of the loop on the new stuff. While I was unpacking I was rocking to a mix that Jen made me for my shower/stagette. I loved it, and so did my incredibly helpful friend Hollie. It had:
George Michael – Faith
Michael Jackson – Thriller & Ben (awwww)
Erasure – A Little Respect…..LOVE!
and way more.
I need to play music more. Love The Black Crows (I’m sure they’re on that mix too).
How did I forget Adele?
she is the best
Stevie Wonder, Superstition – but only when turned up past eleven. My favourite song of all time, hands down. And, when followed by Adele’s Rolling in the Deep? Oh, honey, it’s not sexy but godDAMN that BEAT!
I will be on my own for the first time in five years next Wednesday morning. (I’m a little terrified, to be honest.) Thanks for the reminder to shake it while I got it!
Hi Tracey,
I am a friend of Nance’s, she has told me how much she is enjoying your friendship, and when I read your blog, I can see why.
When my kids were small, I remember loving the silence of the empty house too, but as they have gotten older, I am dreading it a little. Yesterday was my 16 year olds LAST First day back at school, next year she goes to university somewhere far from her mama!!!
I rock to Neil Diamond, Bob Marley, Mercedes Sosa…
enjoy September 2011
I knew you’d love that one, Sara… he is yummy.
I love that Skinny Love song too… and Ingrid M – yes. Florence and the Machine is so strong… I need power when I’m finding my way back, and when I have lots to do. It keeps me motivated, and gives me drive – that’s why I like rock so much, I guess. Makes me feel efficient.
But no matter what, I love to dance my ass off for a while – shake the kinks out and whatnot. That’s good. 😉
Grumbler…I am RIGHT THERE with you – skinny, hairy….I’ll take him! Nanc – I never knew you had such fine musical taste…love it.
I still love The Eels song…I call it Beautiful Day (but that’ not the title). I makes me happy.
sorry grumbler – we have so much in common and yes- he is a good dancer- but if a man looks better than me in a crushed velvet pant or if he even has a pair of crushed velvet pants or say if any of his pants are smaller than mine- then kate or you can have him hands down
umm …. what was the question?
oh yeah- my teens keep me in music- I do love Beyonce’s new album and have been running to Countdown specifically, Need to Breathe, love Ingrid Michaelson, Florence and the machines, Bon Iver’s Skinny Love. Basically I always have a new anthem!!! LOVE music!!! Need it!!!!
I am afraid I have never been much of a rocker. I don’t like to feel people are yelling at me