I caught a performance by The Lumineers on Saturday Night Live this weekend, since I record that show, and I’ve found myself watching it again and again since then. I’m sure nerves played with their voices a little bit, but they really looked like they were having the time of their lives that night. It makes me smile.
I was at McDonald’s with my wee Birthday Beauty the other day, when Ho Hey came on the radio. Ava Scarlett’s head snapped up during the first few bars, which she recognised instantly… and by the time the chorus came on, I noticed nearly everyone in our busy section of the restaurant was mouthing the words or nodding their heads from side to side with the sing-song-ness of this sweet song. I suppose it’s the undeniable simplicity that people respond to.
it’s a strutty song…i feel like hey-ho-ing down the street to everyone and then i realize they can’t hear what i’m listening to in my earbuds…i’d probably get arrested! 🙂