I’m not one for sappy love crap. Really, I’m not.
This song gets me every time because it’s just adorable and simple. That’s all. Have a watch and a listen. C’mon, just do it.
Happy Valentine’s Day all!!
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Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!
I love Bright Eyes, and I’m so glad you chose this song to introduce so many people to their beautiful lyrics (because as beautiful as the lyrics are in my other favourite, Lua, the words in that song will leave you feeling pretty depressed).
Hey! Someone embedded this thing!! Thank you, Valentine Fairy!!!
Thank you for introducing me to Bright Eyes.. their emotional style gives you a punch in the viscera in the best way possible.
So grateful!
thanks for sharing this!!!!
Bright Eyes like yours… 😉
Suck. Happy Valentine’s Day, darlin’!!
Muuuuaaaah right back, Charming Woman!!
I love me some Bright Eyes!
And damn that MT! Crap.
great song. we saw them at massey hall a couple of years ago and they were lovely. happy valentine’s day! mwaaaah!
I know, right? Lovely, lovely…
That’s a song that you can put on, sit back, close your eyes and just LISTEN to.