So. I saw Magic Mike. Yes. I did. Have you? Let me say one thing. That boy can dance. Holy CRAP. If he looked like Napoleon Dynamite and could dance like that, I think he’d still be hot. Wow.
As I was driving home after, it made me think of my first ‘experience’ at the male rippers. It was my sister’s stagette, so I think I was maybe 16? I was a late bloomer so I had never seen a peanut (Will’s term) close up before. One of them singled me out – he was called The Entertainer. He did NOT look like Channing Tatum. Good thing I had had a few Schooner beers by that point because he got me to undo his pants with my teeth…and …. boing….out it popped. And then he lay it on my shoulder, like a parrot. Not sure the Entertainer lived up to his name.
That time aside, male strippers can be a riot. I’ve been a bunch of times and it’s always hilarious. The women are in big groups, they generally go ape shit and nothing too seedy happens.
I’ve also been to female strip joints on more than a few occasions with some guy friends. The vibe is decidedly different. You’re not high-fiving the table next to you or rubbing your hands up and down their chests without dropping some coin. That being said, I have no issues with them. My ex and his brother used to go all the time and it just never bothered me. The only part that bugged me was that he was paying $10 for a beer he could get at a bar without boobs for $5. (Oh and it was probably my money but that’s another story…).
So two questions for you. Have you seen Magic Mike? And what are your thoughts on the ripper joints? Do you mind if your spouse goes?
just catching up on my posts…too funny, this one! i hope the parrot didn’t poop on your shoulder….EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
i have never been because shiny, shaved men kinda freak me out. hubby has gone (tho’ not in a long time) and i had no problem when he did. his roommate’s gf at the time was all against it but i said to her, “who is he going to pick up? the joint is full of men!”
Sara, omg. Like a parrot…bwahahaha! What an image!
When I turned 19, the gals at work took me to a strip joint for my birthday and I was somewhat … traumatized by the experience. I went again in my early twenties and wasn’t particularly taken with it. Just not my thing I guess.
However, if I could escape my daughters for a few hours, I’d definitely go see Magic Mike!
Ok then I may need to ghost write for ya but it won’t be nearly as witty. Cat and I did PVR it and watched almost the whole thing. If you had then you may also be digging Jef. He’s taking her to Africa to dig water wells! I think deep down, under all that plastic she’s sweet and funny and Jef will be an excellent match.
I also beleive in unicorns and magic potions….lol… ok I’m deluded but a hopeless romantic doesn’t have much to cling to in reality. Oh maybe that’s a good blog post.. gotta run
Well. I didn’t watch it. Nope. Too tired. BUT – you may have to defriend me. It’s not that I don’t like Jef (with one ‘f’) but I wonder if sweet Em would have picked him if he was poor….I’m just saying….:). I do hope it works out – seriously – I actually kind of like her but I’m a bit jaded. That being said…BACHELOR PAD!
Sara, you kill me. Sat it on shoulder like a parrot! I am giggling in my cubicle.
If you insist I will do my own research on Magic Mike this weekend and report back.
Oh and I am anxiously awaiting your review of the Bacholette finale. If you beat up on Jef though I am de-friending you.
“Like a parrot!!” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dying!!!
Saw it with a group of ladies a few weeks ago and felt like we were at the strippers…I don’t have a problem with my spouse going to a strip joint. Last time he did, I said you better wash your dirty a$$ hands before you get into my bed! LMAO….I have only been once and I have to say I really was NOT into the whole thing….if anything I think I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants! I don’t think men are laughing and pointing out who’s hot, plus I am sure they feel more obligated to putting money on these woman as they pass by…we both had a stag/stagette the same night, I wasn’t bothered by it at all….I heard stories from my guy friends that were there PLUS my dad was there too!!! I gladly showed him photos of mine! OH gawd, think you were there….I wanted to die when he made me put his hands on his arse!! Nothing wrong with a bit of eye candy….we’ve almost been married for 10 years….