Raising kids can be an out of this world experience. It’s sci-fi in that it seems to resemble real life, but before kids, you never imagined some of these situations could be possible. Also, you need tons of popcorn to get through it because there are a LOT of episodes.
These are all the Star Wars moments that parents can relate so hard to:
1. When you read a parenting book and you realize that annoying thing your kid is doing is part of a phase and not just a momentary lapse of judgment. It’s going to happen again and it sucks. It can be hard to accept.

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2. When you’re informed it’s your turn to get up in the middle of the night.

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3. …and you can tell right away there’s a diaper change in your future. Gross.

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4. When it’s not your turn to get up, and you are sending your partner into the nursery for theirs.

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5. When your kid has a nightmare and you have to empathize but you really, really wanna go back to bed, like five minutes ago.

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6. When they ask for “one more story” or are thirsty or hungry at bedtime and deep down you know they are just bedtime-avoiding and it’s a big scam.

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7. When they talk about Minecraft incessantly and it may as well be in some form of alien language.

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8. When they are old enough to sass you. And they do. Repeatedly.

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9. When you recognize the signs of an impending public meltdown and you have no idea how to stop it.

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10. When your kid enters the “Why?” phase and it’s seriously annoying. MAKE IT STAHP.

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11. When other, more experienced moms try to tell you what you are doing wrong.

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12. When your babysitter is free on a Friday night and you actually get to go out on a grown-up date night with your spouse.

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13. Trying to put together new toys, the crib, convert it to a toddler bed, the swing, whatever.

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14. When you are checking to see if they are asleep or if the silence is an indication of total living room destruction.

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15. When your parents remind you this is all karma for how you acted as a child.

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Raising a kid is like StarWars because as much as you love the episode you’re in, part of you can’t wait until the next one comes out. All the joy isn’t in a galaxy far, far away—it’s in your own living room and it’s a constant adventure. May the force be with you!
(Cover Image via Starwars.com)
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