I am not sure what this says about me but my DREAM JOB is and always has been official prankster.
(bedroom moved into treehouse)
April Fool’s is one of my favourite days all year. I think everyone should take the day off work.
I dream up pranks for weeks
I love playing them.
(strangely or perhaps not all that strangely, I dont like them being played on me as much)
If I could do this all day I would be so happy. And likely very unpopular, even friendless.
(I like this one although it spooks me a tiny bit)
Do you have a favourite prank?
ask our friend across the street from me how I got her good one year, Les.
Code word ” There is a large pink bird on my roof”. Some of my best work.
Omg, Laughing out loud!! Love this!! Good Humour!!