I’m all for new board games. My family has spent hours this summer playing Apples to Apples, including one memorable game with my sister playing from 300 kilometres away over the phone.
But when it comes to the classics, I’m a board game purist. Leave the Canadian version of Monopoly on the shelf; it’s only fun for me if I can buy Park Place! Don’t stick Shrek on my operating table; the only patient I want to mess with in Operation is that cartoony guy who looks like W.C.Fields. You don’t see Scrabble trying to update itself by adapting to social utility sites, do you??!
Come Fall, the folks at Hasbro hope we’ll play a brand new twenty-first century game of Clue. Colonel Mustard is now Jack Mustard, a former football star. Professor Plum will become Victor Plum, a billionaire video game designer, and Miss Scarlett is now Cassandra Scarlett an aging star who shows up frequently in the tabloids.
The weapons are getting revamped too. Gone are the wrench, the revolver and the pipe (so old school!). New weapons are a dumbbell, a trophy and poison (why not Anthrax?)
The mansion itself has undergone a reno, and new rooms include a spa, a theatre and a guest house. Clue’s gone all L.A. on us.
My thoughts on this?… The only mystery to this new updated Clue is why, Hasbro, why?
No Kath, I don’t think you are getting crotchety!! Clue has to be my fav board game & Hasbro is foolish to go messing with it (wow…I think I should have said that last part with a southern accent!!). It’s my fav even though I lose to my hubby every time with his full sheet “probability-matrix” that he uses!!
I mean honestly…a trophy? A spa?!?
I’m with you. When I bought my kids Operation this past Xmas I had to search high and low to find one that wasn’t Shrek or Homer Simpson. We also disappointed our littlest girl by giving her REGULAR, BORING Candyland, not Dora Candyland. We do have SpongeBob Square Pants LIFE, but that was the judgement of my hubby, and it is just not as good. I will NOT be buying this updated clue. I want my Georgian Col. Mustard, with the pipe in the Conservatory. The old-fashioned feel is what give the game its charm.
Or am I just getting old and crotchety?