Cuyler got a few games for his birthday last week which has been great.
We have never been a family who “games” together. We’ve had board games over the years and have tried to have family game nights but it never really worked out. Cuyler was never interested and Eva was too young for the games that Cam was interested in and Cam was too old for the games Eva was interested in.
I think we’ve turned a corner in that we are able to enjoy some time together while playing a game.
One of the games Cuyler got was the Angry Birds game.
This is a great game because a) he loves Angry Birds and B) he has to recreate pattern on the card with the blocks. It’s a good thinking game and allows them to work together to build the structure.

The other game we’ve been playing a lot lately is Trouble.
Good ol’ Trouble. Cuyler was never interested in this game in the past but he seems to have more patience for it now. It’s a quick moving game with not a lot of waiting but a lot of turn taking.
And is it just me or does every other parent who plays with game with their kid get uber competetive? I swear if I only have 2 pegs at “home” and the kids have more I get a little antsy. And I have to hide my frustration every time I pop a 1 and they pop a 6…I’m looking for ideas. What are your favourite games to play with your kids?

And is it just me or does every other parent who plays with game with their kid get uber competetive? I swear if I only have 2 pegs at “home” and the kids have more I get a little antsy. And I have to hide my frustration every time I pop a 1 and they pop a 6…I’m looking for ideas. What are your favourite games to play with your kids?
the ol’ classic, game of life is a lot of fun. my f.i.l gave us “rummikub” last year…i know, i know…what? but it’s a lot of fun! all about numbers, making runs and like numbers…i think we’re all addicted!
We don’t get our game-on over here much either – though with Madame nearing five years of age, I think we can start soon. I bought a wooden Monopoly board about a thousand years ago, and I’ve been just waiting until everyone is old enough to play… maybe this winter we can try.
I picked up a jigsaw puzzle with three different sizes of pieces (supposed to be good for ALL family members) but each kid quickly got bored, and I did the whole thing by myself. *shrugs* Maybe we’re better off just watching movies together… 😉