Once in a while I check out what up and coming products are in the works. I’ve come across a neat little website called Kickstarter.com that helps promote innovative products and services. People can go in (hey, mompreneurs!) and talk about their projects in the works and can request “backers”.
There’s one that just caught my eye called XiStera 8 and I’m very intrigued! It may just be the coolest techy gadget around for shutterbugs like me and it’s designed for the iPhone5. Hello, I’m addicted to instagram, remember? Yes, I’m totally one of those people who takes photos EVERYWHERE and anywhere. Yes, I’m one of those people who takes photos of what I eat in restos….hey, you’ll even see some of my foodie shots in the NationalPost’s Gastropost..all taken on my iPhone!
The XiStera 8 will essentially takes care of 8 functions. I’m hoping to get my hot little hands on it when it launches. But see for yourself….and you may just want to “back it up” too…they are looking for funding on www.kickstarter.com
Here’s the video…now tell you me you don’t want one too?
At first I was all like, whaa? Why would I want that. Then I watched the video. MUST. HAVE. XISTERA.
But then I think I’ll need to upgrade to the iPhone 5 first.