By now you’ve probably set your eyes on TMZ photos of Prince Harry having a grand-ol’ time in Las Vegas post-Olympics. In the photos, Harry is seen completely nude, cupping his “royal jewels” while in the arms of some anymous nude American female.
The Vegas trip started safely enough. Good times with friends and even a fun pool race with Olympic Gold Medalist Ryan Lochte. But as he headed to his hotel room with some girls one night, Harry’s security detail failed to take the girls’ cellphones away, resulting in the photos the entire world has been looking at since yesterday.
The man who is third in line the the British throne has since returned to London and one can only imagine what his grandma will say about this incident. I SO want to be in that room when that chit-chat happens! I’m sure she’s not too amused. (sorry, just HAD to say it!).
While this latest adventure is just a long line of “fun” times Prince Harry is known for, his brother Prince William is quite the opposite. He’s been spending his time with the Royal Air Force piloting search and rescue helicopters.
On Monday, the future King airlifted to hospital a 58 year-old Canadian woman who broke her leg while hiking. And just five days before, he had rescued a 16 year-old girl from freezing water. A Prince and a Hero. Wow!
And there you have it. Two royal brothers, but are as opposite as can be. One looks like he’d be so fun to hang out with and always seems ready for a good time. The other, is very dutiful and has a heroic streak.
Which begs this very important question…if given a choice, who would you rather?
“Dirty” Harry or “Regal” Will?
I’d love to know!
For long term, no, but to hang with and have fun with? Obviously gotta be Harry. I don’t find Wills appealing, though, so my final answer would have to be a neither!
I love this question. I’d love to say Will but let’s face it we ALL love the bad boys. You knew from the time they were kids that this is the roles they’d take. I’m with Hanson – it sucks for them that they can’t just have a good time without people selling stories and pictures etc. I will say – I’m falling more in love with Wills now that he’s so in love – I have a love fest for him and Kate.
Prince Harry all the way!!! There’s something loveable about a bad boy with a rebelous steak…especially when he is part of a monarchy!
Plus, everything we see of Harry’s family is from some staged photo-op, especially Will. Like him and Kate going for a canoe while visiting Canada or posing with Stephen Harper wearing matching cowboy hats.
For once, it’s nice to see a genuine photo of a royal who’s having a good time! Yes, he may be in Vegas and yes, he is naked, but he’s 28 and livin’ the dream!