Holy shizz. This weekend was the White House Correspondent’s Dinner which I thought was for the press who cover the White House. Instead it was a mish-mash of reporters, celebs from the a-list to the d-list and parents of those d-listers. Honestly it just seems so bizarre.
BUT. President Obama brought the funny.
HILARIOUS! “God forbid we keep Chuck Todd and the cast of Glee waiting’ Yes. I’m aware he didn’t write it – but he delivered. I also love that you can see Michelle Obama’s dress here because it is absolutely stunning. She is a beautiful woman.
Should we take a look at some other guests??

Elizabeth Banks. Perfection. She looks amazing.
I have nothing to say. (She’s in the Hunger Games if you were wondering….doubt she was hungry at this soiree).
Lindsay Lohan – Ummm. Whoa there Linds. You’re trying to channel Angelina but it ain’t working.
When will people just accept their lips as they are and stop filling them full of crap. I have no upper lip – LIKE ZERO. Do I wish I did – yup but I’m not injecting anything in there. She looks like a fish.
Colton Davis – before you say ‘WHO?” – He’s one of the latest kicks off from Idol. He likely got the seat that I usually get at weddings. Near the back, by the kitchen door, and next to the single cousin that nobody likes.
Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner
What’s up with Kris’ eyes? And look at the woman in white behind…’oh god, it’s the Kardashi’whoevers…how do I get out of here!!!’ May I never manage my kids career….or post a photo of myself naked and pregnant with him.
Lohan’s mother was seen banging her head on a wall saying ‘let me IN! Kris Jenner is there for godsakes’.
Kim Kardashian?? how weird! and why is Lindsay Lohan’s face 3 shades lighter than the rest of her body? What a strange night!