Well, well. Finally we leave the good ‘ole USA and head to Bermuda. First off, the weather screwed the producers in some ways but gave them some gold in others. It was windy and cold so yup, no group swims or hot tubs. This is a Bach staple. But, the thunder rolling through the rose ceremony was awesome. The ominous crackle right before she took a deep breath and let some dudes go. Classic.
This is the week where the men became the women that I’ve seen on Bachelor shows of the past. It was young vs. old. The old guys were suggesting that a 25-year old wasn’t mature enough to get married or be a step-father. UM YEAH. Contrary to the 18 year-olds choosing outfits on Say Yes To The Dress….maybe it IS too young. Also, 33 year-olds….you’re looking for love on a TV show – how mature are you??? Just saying.
Anyway, Doug got the solo date. They had a blast. Then Emily started questioning him about what his last girlfriend had to complain about. His answer – ‘spending too much time with my kid and not washing her car enough.’ Oh PLEASE. Please producers…for the love of god find this girl!!! He got the rose.
The group date pitted the guys against each other in a sailing race. It was the buff guys vs the not as buff guys. Not as buff won. They went on a group date where Ryan toasted Emily becoming one of their trophy wives. Hint Emily….as bad as that musicians hair was…he wouldn’t have said that….and you probably should have given Ryan the boot (and told him to wash that hair gel out). The rose on the date went to Jef. Can we be blunt here? She was begging for a kiss and Jef…well. Look if I was the Bachelorette, I’d keep him because I’m fully on the hunt for a gay BFF and he’d fit the bill perfectly.
Then there was a two-person date. Honestly, I never saw these dudes before on this show. Dull and awkward. And the date was crap too. I was hoping she’d toss them both but nope – she kept John? I think his name was John?
Rose ceremony night and we figure out that Kalon is not the villain as we first thought but it’s Ryan! Gasp. He’s a great catch. Just ask him. He wants to be the next Bachelor. Too bad the guy he said this all too was about to get booted.
I’m keeping my final three at Arie, Doug and Sean. Even though Arie has chick hands. Have you ever dated someone with chick hands? It’s not good. Trust me.
Next week is the biggie! Someone calls Ricki baggage and Emily goes ballistic. It will be epic. You in??
I generally don’t go for blond men but I am totally in love with Sean. I do think he may be too ‘good’ for her, she likes a bit of bad boy.
Shallowly, girl hands are a dealbreaker for me, and I don’t see Arie as attractive but she did say she likes tall skinny and funny. I think she likes the race car driver part too.
So far I’m enjoying the season. Hope Sean makes it to the end!
We are so in
I am so anti reality tv but so sucked into this freakin show.
I even like little barbie Emily and want her to get
some good lovin.
But what i really look forward to I
is your après show dishing. You are spot on sista!